VERSUS - Exnem dForce Cocktail Dress A for Genesis 8 Female

I have the [Exnem dForce Cocktail Dress A] dress from the "other" site and it loads, but the [Versus] Textures, bought in from Daz Store, are constantly showing as requiring an update, and when I update they are nowhere in my library, and still require an update.
If I try to manually download from the store (no option for DIMM), the site leads me back to the description page.
Has anyone got these Textures to work?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
If you are updating in Daz Studio you are using Connect, which is different from DIM. Is that how you usually install products?
If the base product is just copied into the library, there hasn't been assigned a comptability base, and therefore the textures wont show if you look after materiels.
It should work if you just find the textures in your content library and then apply. Else you could add metadata, to the original product and set a comptability base. Look at the textures what they are looking for.
You use Daz Connect ? And "they're nowhere in my library" means that you could not find it in Smart Content or Content Libary or DAZ Connect folder physically ?
I believe this product has no metadata as it is one of the product batch created when quite a few emigrees from Rendo rushed in, so you won't find it in Smart Content other than Content Library.
I use both DIM and Connect (for Premier content).
I can find the Rendo product easy, but the actual textures do not show anywhere in My Library, either in Smart content or Content Librayr, it shows up in Products, but it asks me to to update, which I have a number of times.
I also tried searching in my physical My Library, but they are not in there, thats why I tried to redownload from the store but its not letting me do that either! Will give it another go tomorrow, before putting in a Help request (still waiting on a response from one submitted several months ago!)
That sounds as if the files are not decrypting - I suspect that if you right-click on the product and select Browse to Folder location you will find .part files or the like, rather than the Daz Studio format files and textures. Please bug report this if so, but for now uninstall (right-click on the product) and install through Install Manager.