Moving Daz library to a new Drive

Hi there,
I've got my Content Library spread over 2 SSD's but I'm wanting to consolidate it onto one larger SSD.
My library is a mixture of DIM installed Daz Store content and custom manually installed content.
Is this just a case of cutting and pasting or do I need to be a bit more careful/is there more of a process. I want to retain all the smart content functionality I've come to enjoy.
Appreciate the advice in advance.
For Daz Studio itself just moving/merging the foilders is all you need - it cares only about the relative paths, the location within the content directory, rather than the name or location of the content directory (as long as it knows that it is a content directory). The exception to this is custom actions, which do use absolute paths.
DIM, however, does store the absolute locations of its installation (in the manifests files) - if you still have the zips you can edit the isntall location, then select everything and right-click on one to select the option to reinstall all selected using the current paths, or you can batch-edit the manifest files.