dforce simulation problem clothes sticks to hand

I'm trying to simulate a simple walk but the skirt always sticks to had and doesn't slide properly when it makes contact with my hand.

Sin título-1.png
869 x 361 - 293K


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    How are you simulating? Current pose or timeframe?

    Using timeframe will let you see if the hand at some point intersect with the skirt, and then make a correction midways in the simulation.

  • time frame



  • Keep the hands away from the skirt - if they get within collision distance on their respective vertices they can stick like that, even if they don't quite penetrate.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    If using timeframe, if you then go though the timeframe, can you then see if the hand intersect with the skirt?

    And if, you should make a corrective in-between pose before the intersecting, in order to avoid it intersecting.

  • ok letme see


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Here's what I do - as this happens all the Time:

    Since the dForce item in this case doesn't need to react to the forearms, hands or fingers, I:

    1. Select both forearms, then in the Scene pane's hamburger menu > Select > Select Children
    2. In the Parameters pane, select the top item, then hold Shift and select the bottom item to select everything there
    3. Scroll down to "Visible in Simulation" and change that value to "Off"

    Now run the simulation and see what happens :)

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