Missing texture files

Back in October I bought some Sixus1media products in the Daz store. One of these products was Scarlet, a stand alone Poser character.
The downloaded zip files is supposed to contain textures but the textures are missing. I mentioned this in another forum but had no luck in getting an update of the downloadable files.
The missing textures are still missing. I checked again today to see if anyone has corrected this error and included the textures in the zipfile but they haven't. The problem still exists.
I think there may be some lack of understanding about which files are missing. Maybe somebody at Daz hasn't understood how the textures are applied to the figure. So, just to clarify, this type of figure has a folder called "materials" and, in many cases, a folder called "textures". The materials folder usually contains either DUF files or MC6 files or something similar.
These DUF or MC6 materials files tell Daz Studio or Poser where to find the textures or procedural link. If the materials are in the form of texture maps (JPG or whatever) then the material file will point to the folder where those JPGs are. The material files for the Scarlet character are MC6 files and text based so they can be opened in notepad to see where the textures should be. The ones for Scarlet say this: "textureMap ":Runtime:Textures:S1M:Scarlet:S1M_Scarlet_C1Body.jpg"
So the zip file should contain a folder called "Textures" and it should contain a file called "textureMap "S1M_Scarlet_C1Body.jpg". It doesn't. The textures folder is missing. It should contain the "S1M_Scarlet_C1Body.jpg" and also the other necessary JPGs.
I've experimented during the past couple of months with creating my own texture maps for Scarlet's skin, eyes etc. but these are makeshift and I would rather have the proper ones. I also recently bought the Akemi and Kolbie products which contain new skins to change Scarlet into these other characters but, again, I'm trying to get an update of the Scarlet zip file with her default texture JPGs. I don't know why there's a problem. Surely it should be simply a matter of going to the original zip files and putting back the missing folders. I emailed Sixus1media but got no reply.
You should break up your text, as it is hard to read.
This product: https://www.daz3d.com/s1m-scarlet
Seems it is a tranferred product that hasn't a readme and filelist.
How are you installing?
If you think some files are missing you should create a ticket to Daz, although it might take some time for a reply.
Thank you felis.
I've taken your advice and broken up the block of text a little.
Also I've opened a ticket. Thanks again.
A number of Sixus 1 products from renderosity had missing textures, I thought Scarlet was reproted as one of them and fixed. This is a fresh download from your account that you are using?
Thanks for helping. I've also opened a ticket with the technical department.
Yes I've checked the download page repeatedly for updates. There was an update a while back but it still didn't include the textures. That's why I think the department doing doing the updates hasn't understood which files are missing. The Renderosity page for Scarlet has a series of customer reviews who love the product and are happy with their downloads so I assume that the Renderosity version must contain all of its correct pieces.
I don't know what the Daz studio store looks like from the point of view of people who work there but I've worked in offices and customer service centres myself. If I was working there I would probably just get $24 dollars out of petty cash and buy the Scarlet character on Renderosity and then put the Renderosity zip file onto the Daz server. That probably sounds very silly but if the Renderosity customers are getting the folder with the textures in then I don't understand how they've been left out of the Daz version.
I've downloaded Scarlet several times in the hope of a real update. I've downloaded the files both manually and in the install manager. I downloaded them again just now in case there might have been an update since yesterday but there wasn't.
I'll attach a screen shot from a few minutes ago to show what the Runtime looks like. It has Geometries, Libraries and LipSync but should also have "Textures".
I'm still waiting for a reply from DAZ3D Help Center Tech Support
It should've been submitted to "Sales Support Tech Support" and they would transfer it to the appropriate department, which would be QA. Technical Support is typically used for DS issues.
Edited: Makes no sense to me, but I've been informed that tech support is the correct method. Sorry
No it definitely is a technical issue.
Fixed post above. Sorry for the confusion.
OK. No problem.
The reason it's technical is because it's to do with the actual functioning parts of the product.
It's like if you were buying a car which turns out to have a piece of the engine missing. You'd speak to a mechanic rather than a sales person.
Well, I'm still waiting for a reply from tech support and I've begun to agree with that other thread suggesting that tech support is either dead or non-existant. In the meantime I've tried to fix the problem myself by creating my own texture maps for the character. The look of it isn't quite right yet but I'm gradually getting there. See the attached JPG.
Tech support is alive!
I got a reply today and someone is working on a solution.