Temp - Texture gone

Muffin64Muffin64 Posts: 32

I recently removed freckles from a G8F Nose(face texture). For this, as usually, I navigatet from Survaces to the texture file and opend it in Krita. There I removed the freckles and saved the new Image in the same folder as te original just with -nofreckles in the name. Aditionall I saved the .kra file as well, in case reediting would be necesarry. Everything fine till I opend DAZ scene again, face texture was reported as missing, usually DAZ would load the scene now and ask me if I want to locate the missing file, but no it dosen't and the scene looks fine.
Problem when I go to the surfaces tab, open the folder from there, I end in the temp folder. The Normal texture is there but my file and the .kra file are missing. Also searching on my PC gives no results. Where are they?
The original G8F Model and its texture are untouched and work fine, verified.
Probably the original Texture was stored in temp as well, its unusuall right?
The scene could break in the future, probably?

Post edited by Muffin64 on


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    You didn't specify which temp directory, but my guess is the generic that Daz uses for temporary files, which get used if you have created a LIE image, and if you have made modification to an image with LIE.

    When that directory get cleaned, I don't know, but I would consider it everything else than stable.

    I would suggest using the Runtime directory the products uses.

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