Holiday Greetings Thread
How about a Christmas, New Year, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa holiday greeting thread? No prizes, just wishing your fellow Brycers good cheer. I'll even create a card. Or, how about an old greeting that you made in the past? Whatever gets people to participate I'm happy with.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays
_ the gift ( could be the title )
Nice work, ed3D!
And holiday greetings to all!
ed3D and Hansmar - the renders of you both look very nice. Also Happy Holidays and Greetings to you.
Ed3D and Hansmar nice greetings Happy Holidays to you'll too.
I love it Hansmar! Wonderful holiday cheer!
Wow, am I rusty. I grabbed a landscape, grabbed a tree and slapped a greeting on my card. Not happy. I think a Bryce tree would have looked better. I'm going to try a new one after seeing Hansmar's. You've inspired me Hansmar.
Lovey Greetings NGartplay
Very nice Greetings card, NGartplay.
Seasons greetings and happy holidays to everyone !
ed3D - Nice Snowman !
Hansmar - Looks like that Cat is looking for treats ! Lovely render !
NGartplay - Wonderful Greetings card !
Will do a card inbetween modelling breaks !
Excellent snowman ed! I missed it somehow, before.
Hansmar NGartplay Ed3D Horo mermaid010 Bunyip02
Thanx very much And used Frosted Ice on Glass
_ guess it's so cold snowman has turned to Ice
Horo, Mermaid, NGartplay, Bunyip02, Thanks.
NGartplay, Even though it may be made quickly, I like your card anyway!
And done mostly with e-on Vue
chair & awning with Blender 2.79B
So beautiful Ed3D I like it although it's not a Bryce render.
Love it ed!!! I like the lighting with the holiday message.
ed3D: Great idea and well done and snow man also looks very nice.
NGArtplay: Not that rusty, looks good. Maybe the fooliage of the pine tree could be changed, but with Bryce I always struggle with pine trees.
Hansmar: Well done, I like the background, too.
I found an old one from 2018. Happy holydays to you all.
ed3D - very nice shop window with the presents.
Electro-Elvis - very peaceful and warm scene.
Here the card I made for this year. Happy Holidays to all artists showing their artworks here and visit this site. Best wishes for 2025, stay safe.
Electro-Elvis - beautiful cosy setting, very nicely done.
Horo - lovely winter scene
Using a previous render done a few years ago; I added the Holiday greeting. I used the Snow Cube from Inclement Weather and the snow effect on the trees – a tutorial by David Brinnen. For the text I used Elefont.
Very nice winter scene mermaid.
Hansmar NGartplay Horo mermaid010 Bunyip02 Electro-Elvis
Thanx Very Much + Hexgon & Blender make text fairly easy +
nice images from everyone
Thanks Horo and Ed3D
ed3D - Lovely scene !
Electro-Elvis - Fabulous scene !
Horo - Wondrous scene !
Mermaid - Charming scene !
Thanks Bunyip02
Thank you ed3D and Bunyip02.
Elvis, lovely lighting. (I think my tree was a fake one. A freebie from somewhere.)
Horo, great trees
mermaid, love your 'snow.'
Great job everyone!
My Card !
NGartplay thank you
Bunyip02-cute greeting, well done.
NGartplay - thank you.
Bubyip02 - very nice idea and also very nicely done.
Mermaid - Thanks !
Horo - Thanks !
So cute AND funny, bunyip. Well done!