Genesis 9 Hair parented (not fit to) Genesis 8 Head won't transform

9 Hair Hi All, I am a bit confused - I cannot fit a Genesis 9 Hair model to a Genesis 8 model - it appears a bit garbled and won't simulate - it throws errors. SO I have tried to parent (not auotfit) the Hair under the Genesis 8 Head scope - but when I do this none of the transform controls have any effectand it sits right in the middle of the head. I just need to be able to translate it up a bit to have a decent fit -what am I missing?
Post edited by bwise1701 on
Which hair are you talking about?
And SBH hair usually have a cap, with the hair parented to that. What are you trying to translate?
THe Cap and Hair are separate objects - the hair is not parented to the cap - I'm just talking about the Hair object.
Still haven't said which hair.
And the hair is not fitted to anything?
If something is fitted, usually there is an option in parameters to do with transforms that needs to be checked or unchecked in order to transform while fitted. I forgot property name and not at computer.
why not reload the hair into scene (unfitted and unparented) and then parent the haircap to the G9?
Sometimes issues can be pretty immediately resolved from seeing a screenshot
Sorry this is Romantic Renaissance Curls - I have parented the curls object only to the G8 head scope - nothing is autofit. I will try to post some screenshots shortly - as for the transform options - at the top scope of the curls object there are 2 options - Disable Local Transforms and Ignore Local Transforms (which seems a bit redundant) both are set to OFF
Without a screenshot, based on your description it is hard to actually imagine what you are referring to, for people who dont have the product. What is a curls object? Does the product load more than one obejct (haircap + curls)? What is the curls "Fit to... "? Is it fit to a haircap? And then what is the haircap fitted to?
Usually the hair will be parented and fitted to the haircap. And the haircap will be fitted and parented to the Genesis figure. Like in the example attached.
On the haircap, there should be a property called Fit to Mode which can be Auto Follow Transforms or Redirect Transforms. If it is set to Redirect then you cannot adjusts translation properties while it is fitted.
Anyways, all this to say, I think if you leave the hair fit to the haircap, but have the haircap unfitted to the genesis figure, then you should be free to transform as you please regardless of Fit to Mode. And you can then position and parent to genesis head.
Here is the Hierarchy
If I load the Hair model on Gensis 9 then both the cap curls object are Genesis 9. The Curls are NOT constrained to the Cap.
With either Genesis 9 OR Genesis 8 - if I turn off the autofit (set to none) and reparent the Curls object under the character head scope - the translate and rotate controls on the Curls object no longer do anything (scales still do however) - although I can see the bounding box guides moving. That is my issue.
hmm maybe fit the curls to the haircap, and then autofit the haircap to the genesis 8, and then turn fit mode to autofollow for the haircap so you can move it
can disable morphs on haircap if distorted?
I have tried that - that does get the Hair in place - but then Simulation throws an error - that is why I'm trying a simple parent operation - that does simulate. I need to understand why the curls object doesn not respect translates when parented.