Where is the Daz 3d library, and Dim

I put my Daz 3d on a new computer, I had some 3rd party content, and I don't know where to install it, last pc I had it on had a C:/Applications place where i could put it, but the new pc does not


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    It's normally a good idea to create a separate library for 3rd party content - mainly since they mostly have to be manually installed and it's possible to screw things up this way. You can store additional libraries wherever is most suitable for your situation - although you should avoid anywhere that OneDrive can access.

    Also, DIM is mostly irrelevant for 3rd party content, I think it's only 3dshards that make DIM-compatible downloads.

  • Are you asking about content installation geenrally, third-party content installation, or Daz Studio installation (followed by content)?

  • I'm talking about 3rd party content like renderosity, rendererotica, dreamlight and such as that, you know where they have data, people, they have indiviual  things that have to be loaded

  • Manual install

  • Ten you need to decide whether to use one of thee xisting content directroies or add another (not nested inside an existing content directory).Since you are on Windows you can just drag the /data, /Runtime, and other folders at the same level of the zip into the content directory and they will merge with the existing folders of the same name (if any). If you want to use a separate directory create it on disc in the usual way, then in Daz Studio's Content Library pane right-click on the Daz Studio Formats container adns elect Add new base Directory, then select the folder you just made.

  • Thank you


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