Problem with G9 eyes

I have an eye problem with the G9, but only now. As you can see, the tearline is white and cannot be changed. If you remove it, the eyes have a hole. So good, so stupid. I've had this before, when an external figure (Shinteo) was to blame. After I removed it, everything was fine.
I've tried that now too. There were only two, I checked them too. Unfortunately not with the desired success.
Does anyone know how to fix this? It should be possible to replace the tearline. 
I'm a bit annoyed at the moment because I had a G9 idea in my head. Now I'm going to iron for the time being, but I have to solve the problem at some point.
I'm happy to receive any tips, help or information on where I can look something up 


  • as example

  • without tearline

    Fehler Tearline white.png
    1427 x 951 - 910K
    Fehler ohne Tearline white.png
    1644 x 943 - 1M
  • the tearline doesn't render properly in filament. something with the transparency afaik.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Obviously it is not Calypso 9 Mermaid character as default... is it a customized character mixed with other characters' head morphs or something ?

    And if you intended to render it with Filament, some settings of surfaces would have to be tweaked.

  • Oh sorry ;-). Now I have to apologize. That was actually a problem with the setting. I hadn't paid attention to it and hadn't considered it. Really stupid and thoughtless of me. You made my day :-). Thank you very much for that :-) - have a nice time

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