How to custom morph a body that has already a graf?

How to custom morph a body that has already a graf?
Doing the regular method using morp loader, doesn't work, cos the geometry not the same.
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How to custom morph a body that has already a graf?
Doing the regular method using morp loader, doesn't work, cos the geometry not the same.
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It'll be more clear to understand exactly what you are looking to do I suppose.
Is it the graft you wish to morph or the base character?
If it is the base character, you will want to remove the graft from the character, send the character to whichever software for sculpting you are using and then reapply the graft after using morph loader / goz.
If it is the graft that you wish to create the morph for then, you just sculpt the graft and not the main character (make sure to mask the edge vertices of the graft so you do not change them at all).
Either way, make sure the mesh is in base resolution ofcourse.
An easier way: Switch to Geometry Editor before exporting Genesis figure to OBJ.
Yea, it is.
Ah okay, makes since.
If you exported the mesh with graft select "Primary Figure from Graft (Facet Order)".
This is the best way !
where is this?
Morph Loader Pro - Load Morph for:
You have to apply the same geograft to the figure before loading the morph.