(Solved) Complex JCM Setup That I Need Some Help With Please

Hey guys,
I hope you are all set for the holidays coming up and your families are well!
I am setting up my first real attempt at building a very heavily customized character with all the JCM's it will need.
I have run into something with the thigh bending, twisting, and side to side that I would like to ask you guys about.
I've created the thigh bend JCM and have it working. I also created a thigh bend + side to side morph that is working (only triggers if both side to side and bend are used but not when only bend is used).
Now I need to make side to side only and I do not want it to trigger if bend is used. Hopefully that makes since. Basically if side to side is used I do not want the side to side + bend morph to apply, only the side to side.
How would I exclude the side to side morph if the bend is applied so that only the side to side + bend morph applies.
Man, I really hope that isn't too confusing lol.
Bend tiggers only bend morph (Created and working)
Bend + Side to Side only tiggers Bend + Side to Side morph (Created and working)
Side to Side only triggers Side to Side morph (Thinking of a solution which is where I need help). I do not want this morph to trigger if side to side + bend is being used.
NVM, being a derp, too much to drink maybe. I figured it out lol.