Need help with bringing hidden bodyparts back using Geometry Editor (Solved)

I'm just trying to hidden character's bodyparts using geometry editor, but don't know how to bring everything back. Like, I hide the character's ears and I'm sure that I didn't delete the geometry, but I can't bring it back through reapplying surfaces materials or restore character. Please help me, thanks!
For who have same problem like me : check everything you put on the character ! I've finally find out that was the hood I put on my character hiding her ears, after deleting the hood, everything goes normal. And I've found how to get those bodypart which hidden by clothes/accelories back here ( , remember to check it out
If you right-click in viewport, with geometry tool active, there is an option Geometry Visibility > Show All Polygons
Yep, I've tried that, and those ears still gone, seems that I've messing around too far with surfaces or groups in geometry tool . Thank you anyway pal.
With the geo editor... always work on a second copy of the object and which could be hard on a character ... but maybe only needs to be done on the surface you're going to mess with. RENAME it. Geo editor will treat multiple copies of the same object in a scene as the same geometry if you don't do that and will delete things from all copies.
Note. in using 3d max when you duplicate an object it will complain about duplicate surface names and offer to rename them on the second object.
when you copy an object in Daz it names the second one object (2) etc but it doesn't rename the surfaces on the second one from default to default2.
The geo editor is a wonderful thing except it is prone to crashing on a random basis and will crash doing something it just did fine or after if crashes it will do the same thing without crashing.
In 15 years I've seen a lot and learned to save almost anytime I do something like "delete" a bunch of polys ... but I've also been selecting a surface and had it go Daz3d has encountered an error and must close.
Thanks for the advise mate, it's really messy using DAZ edit geometry for me, so I'd rather do some where else instead of playing around with geometry editor. And I figured out it was hidden by clothing LMAO.
That is because all of them are pointing back to the same base geometry instance, to which they apply their modifiers (morphs, joints etc.) to get a final shape.
That is the label, not the name. Changing the label won't change the underlying geometry reference.
I find it better, when I want to remove some polys with the Geometry Editor, to select the bits I don't want, assign them to a new surface, and then set the opacity of that surface to zero. That way, the hiding is remembered if you close and reopen the file (which isn't the case if you just hide them in GE), but it's not as drastic as deleting them.