How to correctly move objects on the Z plane?

How to correctly move objects on the Z plane?
I click and drag X on the gizmo and the object moves over in the direction I pull, I click and drag Y and the object moves up or down.
I click and hold the left mouse on the blue arrow Z of the gizmo to move something in or out and it moves all over the place.
Back and forth, I try and find a pattern to how it expects me to move with my mouse and it does not seem to happen.
I resort to the parameters pane to move things in or out and it is slow...
How do I correctly move things on the Z plane gizmo with the mouse?
Post edited by RexRed on
Which version of DS are you using?
What are you moving?
Does this happen with primitives?
At least in my my copy of, i'm not encountering this issue.
... I wonder what is "blue arrow X of the gizmo...".
When you select an object in your scene with the move tool engaged you get a gizmo with three arrows.
It is the blue, Z arrow that is in question here.
It does not work well.
I have not observed any problems.
As suggested, does it work on other objects? It might be related to the specific object you are trying to move.
And as a workaround, you can use the parameters to move, although that will be based on world coordinates.
I figured it out.
It is the programmed behavior of moving object into or out of the scene...
If you keep your mouse close to the blue arrow while you click and hold it moves in but if you move your mouse further from the arrow while you drag it moves out.
For me it works with movements roughly aligned with the axis, rotate the view and the drag-direction chnages to match. Remember that the Coordimate System used, in Tool Settings, will have an effect on what the motions mean in terms of parameter values.
Indeed Richard, all of these work in that way, they move in the direction you move your mouse except when moving into or out of the scene. When moving in and out of the scene it has an odd behavior I have never seen in a program before.
Place a plane in the scene and make sure your are facing the front of your scene. Then set the plane so its face faces you. The green arrow should be pointing towards you.
Select the green arrow with your left mouse hold the left mouse button and try and drag the plane into or out of the scene along the z axis.
You will notice it sporadically moves out and in without any reference as to what causes a smooth movement either way.
One would think up or down would be in or to the side would be in and the other side would be out.
But on the contrary, dragging in while centering on the arrow moves in and dragging while on the outer perimeter of the arrow moves out. For years this has vexed me until now.
This odd behavior is alwasy observed when moving things into or out of the scene.
I see what you mean if the arrow is pointing towards the user to an extent - it is unpredictable when the drag moves away from the arrow horizontally - but when close it moves in/out in reposnse to up/down motions (in a single motion, not releasing the mouse to adjust position). I usually use the Univeral tool, so this kind of object orientation means the drag is apt to get taken by one of the other hot-spots on the gizmo anyway.
Odd Behavior When Moving Items in Daz Studio| Ez3DTv
My video detailing this issue...
I got it ~ I could reproduce the issue. At least it's not as good as the manipulation in Blender ...
One workaround, as you said, is to keep the mouse cursor very close to the object while dragging to move it...
I think it is intentional, but I am not sure about that. I have fussed over it for years until recently I finally sat down and really examined the behavior to figure out the "workaround".
Now it does not seem like a problem anymore. I move objects deep into the scene often and now I can do it without the fidgeting. It requires a subtle awareness.
It has become evident to me that the behavior of the mouse when moving objects into the scene is very awkward and needs to be fixed...
When moving a small object, it is not as much of a problem, but when moving a larger object like a giant VDB cloud or a giant plane with a HDMI image on it, the amount of accuracy needed to keep the mouse at the zero position is impossible to maneuver. The object you are attempting to move using the objects coordinate system jumps back and forth at the slightest bit of deviation from zero.
It would be much easier if you wanted to move the object into the scene if you were to left click on the arrow you wish to move in/out and drag the mouse up from the zero plane would move the object into the scene and drag the mouse down from the zero plane to move the object out of the scene.
The larger an object is, the slower it moves when using the world coordinates to move it. This makes moving a large object deep into the scene nearly impossible. Almost every scene I make, some sort of object requires being moved deep into the scene.