Xeon or i9

Can anyone tell me which is better for rendering, Xeon or i9 and why? Thanks.


  • if you are using the cpus then the xeons are a better choice. 
    Just before iRay, I upgraded my old computer with one for rending in daz. 
    the old machine was an i7-920 with 24 g of ddr3 (the max at that time because a regular processor couldn't see more than 4g sticks and it was a triple channel so I had 24g
    I remember sitting in front of the computer with nothing going but the system for 2 g, daz for 20g and 2g to spare. 
    I had to sit thru every render because the computer would decide we were in trouble and say it was going to close programs to free up memory. 
    So I had to be there to say no. 
    But the new was dual xeon 2.30 v3 which could see up to 64g stick (if you could afford them) but I got 4 sixteens and still had 12 of 16 ram slots available so could have had 256 with 16s or a terebytel with 64s 
    I did get a 980ti and then iray ... oh well I did get a 12g titan x 
    which I still pair with a 1080ti in the i7-7000 which only has 32 g of ram and rendering is still good.
    but if you're getting a 4090 or such ... you probably don't need xeon power. 
    OTOH if you don't have a video card for gpu processing than the xeons are probably a better choice


  • It's really going to depend on which xeon and i9 you're comparing.

    In general though, the i9 is going to win out in raw performance, on a one to one basis, primarily due to higher base clock speeds and higher turbo speeds.


    The only advantage to xeons, for rendering, is that you can put 2 or more in a single system.






  • JImWJImW Posts: 33

    Thanks, went with i9 in the end. Got a good deal on Ebay, so came down to money as usual in the end :)

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