Daz 4.8

Where can I find Daz 4.8?
I only have 4.9 and having issues with contents not showing, and from reading it seems 4.9 is causing the problem.
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Where can I find Daz 4.8?
I only have 4.9 and having issues with contents not showing, and from reading it seems 4.9 is causing the problem.
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Where are things not showing: Content Library > Daz Studio Formats/Poser Formats, Content Library > Products/Categories, Smart Content?
Only Daz customer support would be able to provide you with the older version if your problem can't be resolved.
I looked in general and did a search.
Someone made a scene and dropped it into daz library/runtime
but no image or filename showing
Try raising a ticket with customer service, maybe they can let you have a copy; if you didn't back it up, there is no way of getting it again.
I have abandonded 4.9 after giving it a wothwhile try because of unresolved content category issues. I had luckily saved a version of 4.8, have reinstalled it and am happy once agin. I have no interest in Smart Content or Content Online, encrypted, etc, etc. I catalogue by content, and have since the beginning.
Happy again,
I can see clear many user got problem ,after up-date ds 4.9. actually support say me,, they have many tickets already about new ds 4.9.
DAZ do not expect it, I think. (they seems now try to release new up-date version, (which remove bug and problems)
but at current, we do not get it)
It is OK, daz keep ds 4.9 as official current version. then push daz connect, as same as before.
but why DAZ can not offer ds 4.8 for all user,, in DIM or User Account page, which we can installed as zip or DIM if we need it?
What were the names of the files (including extensions) and the full path you dropped them in?
OOH.. don't know the names from the top of my head (im at work atm)
but it was in the c:\users\public\documents\daz3d\library (or My Library)
there was a runtime folder with a 3-4 sub folders.
Did the Runtime folder get merged with the one in My Library? If you ended up with one Runtime underneath another then it won't be found.
There was a Runtime folder already, with all the contents that i downloaded with the download manager. in the Library folder
I just overwrote the folder without overwrite all the files (there was none btw) so they are all new files.
Are you looking in Content Library > Poser Formats? If you're looking in Categories/Products or Smart Content, those files won't show up until you do a "Scan Known Directories For Content", after which they'll show up in Categories under "Default/Scan Results".