Changing textures while rendering image series

Is it possible the change specific textures or texture settings during an image series render?
I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but as a simple example changing the lights on a traffic signal so the green, yellow and red change according to which is in use
There's a free script to animate textures here:
(disclaime: I've never used it as I don't usually render animations).
If the pattern is as simple as traffic light, you can prepare multiple objects (a red object, a yellow object, and a green object) each with its own texture and shader, and switch the visibility of each object using the "Visible in Render" property to make it appear as if the texture is changing.
If you want to create more complex texture animations, these products may be helpful for you.
Texture Animator
Animated Textures Script Pro for Daz Studio 3 & 4
ABAS: Animated Shaders System
One of these is probably the answer if it works with a spherical image. I'm creating 360 sci-fi scenes and being able to change control panel lights and images would add that extra layer of life.
If you have some javascript scripting knowledge, it will make the entire process easier. I attached two scripts but you would run the _Setup one. It animates the diffuse channel of a plane (named in the scene TEST001) that will read in an image sequence folder. Every frame is used to index the correct image. You would need to find a way to turn a video into image sequences that is named a certain way, like TEST001, TEST002, etc... (I use ffmpeg). ChatGPT is your coding friend.
Examples here: