save changes to an unchanged files

Yes, I have mentioned this before
Start daz it loads default file and then I want to load a recent file or load a file from long ago.
Nothing has happened in the default scene and yet "do you want to save the changes"
Why does this bother me?
I probaby started daz 20 times today and quite often do on other days.
It's interesting that if you save your scene and then click the close box it doesn't give you the message unless you did something since the save.
Which means the program can track changes.
Let's save I average 10 scene openings a day ... that's 3,650 answering that question a year or 36,500 times over ten years and since I started back in 2007 or so I've probably had to respond to that dialogue box 50,000 times. Freedom from mindless repetition is what computers and programming is supposed to eliminate.
Granted probably half of the files in the backup folder are the renders and there are some duplicates.
But I have had to reply don't save when no changes have may one heck of a lot ot times.
I wonder how quickly the programmers would fix that if they had to do something that many times.
The second image is the dialogue box that is unnessary that I see every time I start daz and open anything other than a new scene.

Reminder of Save Changes depends on if there's anything in undo stack... Check the undo stack first : Edit > Undo / Redo
Check the Startup and Scene options in Preferences(Edit>Preferences, F2) and make sure the "load file" is set to None under both.
If there's anything there, it's going to trigger this behavior as it gets added to the undo stack as crosswind says.
daz allows a default startup scene so I use one and quite often I do just merge items into to it as it has my default sky and a center post in it to start building the scene.
If you actually work on a file, ie change it around and then close it Daz will ask if you want to save if before closing.
If you then close that saved file it knows it doesn't pop up the dialogue because it knows no changes have been made.
so open start up scene ... don't change anything ... and then loading a recent scene file shouldn't trigger the save because of unsaved changes popup.
No, it should trigger the the save, as something(the default scene loading) is being added to the undo stack.
Try this...
Open ds, don't do anything else, but try to close it.
If everything is operating properly, you should get the "would you like to save changes..." popup.
Click cancel.
Now, press CTRL+Z, or the Undo button(tool bar), and try closing DS again.
If everything is operating properly, it should just close.
You can also try CTRL+Z before you try loading a different scene into DS, when you first open the program, and you shouldn't get the popup