saving a new workspace layout does not activate it

moved over to the win 10 machine and changed the layout to reflect the two monitors I was using with daz.
But have spent a week tearing my hair and cursing a lot of innocent things because the windows on the second monitor were dancing around, walking off screen, getting lost,
To my mind it's completely logical that if you update and save a new layout it will work.
But apparently you need to not only save a new layout (which why would you do unless you wanted to use it) you have to select it and make it active.
But that seems to have solved the issue.
But perhaps the saving of a new layout should have a new button, like the one where you change your monitors around where it says "Apply the Changes?"
Loading a layout sets the panes and soem other properties to their saved values, but it doesn't tie DS to always use that - any chnages you make will be saved to the session layout and that is what DS loads on start, unless you tell it to do otherwise with a command-line switch. If it isn't recalling the way the panes were arranged on last closing the application then something is preventing their being written in the first place or is overwriting the saved values - using Task Manager to force quit can cause the former, for example, and security software can do the latter.
Saving a layout doesn't load it as the selected one in the workspace panel, you have to load the layout after you save it. Which seems redundant because why would you save a new layout unless you wanted it as the layout.
"The layout" is the current state of the panes - it doesn't refer back to the named layout. If you want you can use a command line switch to tell DS to load a particular Instance's layout on launch, so you could ruin an isntance, arrange the layout (or load it), and exit then copy its session layout when your main instance was run (I think I was misremembering above when I said you could load a saved layout by name), but it will still get changed as you switch between panes in a group, open or close new panes, etc. It would not be helpful if thje layout kept reverting to the named state every time you did anything, nor would you want the saved layout to track chnages you made live (why save at all in that case?)
The current layout, updated when you close daz Studio and loaded by default on start up, is the session layout saved in the root AppData folder - but even then, DS doesn't read from or write to it during a session.
Okay... my start up scene is saved with my workspace a center marker and my base sky
and it's always the same large content library to left small pane with 4 tabs for paramenters, align, etc then the main window with the scene list beside it.
It never changes.. until recently ... but whatever is making the panes move and occasionally resize may get saved by daz as it goes it's merry way.
Which pane on a window is the active one may change but they're basically in the same place always.
I guess the varible layout is necessary with one monitor
But I was laying out books in 1987 and used three monitors back then .. dual page, singe page vertical and one for paletes.
I did see some 72 or 65 inch monitors on sale for about $400 bucks for black friday ... but even with one of those I'd still open the panes in set positions
But there is something else in play because it always used to preserve my locatations.
And the startscene loads in the right place.. it's later they start moving around which they didn't before.