Primitive options

Why does DS does not have edit options for the primitive you have rezzed? I used to work with primitives for many years in the virtual environment SecondLife and there was so much I could do with it. I even made a pretty large mount of money in Secondlife selling my creations made with primitives and scripts. That was like 10 years ago though. :)
I would love to see some or the same edit options for primitives I used to have in Secondlife available in Daz Studio, it will be a huge boost for my creativity with DS. It would be great if I could use taper, hollow, triangle, twist, top shear, slice... on a loaded prim!
Maybe something like this?
Probably limited by basic settings deep within the original structure of the program.
Although Meshgrabber has rotating etc options added to it.
OTOH .. you can do a lot with basic primatives exporting and reimporting into larger more complex items.
And you can import objects from other places that are more complex.
Everything but the cars in this scene was created from daz primitives
Second scene except for the cars, plane, and base of the train engine was created in daz.
The fancy mesh grabber in premier mode seems to do a bit more ... I would have purchased it as a separate product for sure, I have the earlier one and use it a lot.
If it's an object in second life can you find it, edit, export it as an object and then bring it into daz?
No idea if it is limited deep within the program, I would think that such a thing is doable to add for the devs. It would just be so nice to do things with prims 'on the fly' without reverting to other programs. Your sample renders are nice examples, tbh I was not even thinking that big. Even creating a simple prop like a picture frame would already be welcome to have (a pane and a hollow cube) instead of having to load a store bought prop everytime.
The primitives are a plug-in, like many parts of DS (indeed, they were initially a separate product, possibly not free though I can't absolutely recall) so they could do anything the SDK allows.
I have a frame that I used mesh grabber to create new shapes for and then used them to create morphs
So goes wide to either side or both or up but it never changes the size of the border like scaling would.
I recently was working on a model of building and wanted siding so I made a simple object with daz.
create a flat plane 3 subdivisions,
geo editor take out middle square and the one behind
mesh grabber take middle edges and make them all thinner
thickener make tall
meshgrabber pull in top front edges to bevel the sides
use meshgrabber ... export base object (to save it)
use meshgrabber to extend one side of the fron.. export that, undo that extend other side, export that, then do same for each side going back
use morph loader pro in daz to create the morphing object and save it as a scene subset.
second image shows the sidingM ... scale wise its 1 foot so the laps on the siding are 4 inches high
wrap it where you need it on a building make copies or instances ...stack above (after using the morphs to fit the base one)
McLean and SY and dreamlight all have sets of morphing objects
Have you thought about using Gescon II: Constructive Solid Geometry?
You can combine or subtract multiple objects to create new ones.
I've tried it a couple of times.. but it seems to want complex objects to start with rather then simple ones.
Some great moelling work there, Alan. Is that the Nighthawks diner in the first one?
Starting with simple objects can still yield quite interesting results.
For instance, this sample was made by subtracting three Cylinder Primitives (Sides:32) from a Cube Primitive (Divisions:10).
Gescon II Settings: Precision 5.0 / Smoothing steps 1.
I was working really simple .. like it doesn't want to cut out a from a plane ... or very limited number of quads because I basically wanted it to do a cut out of four windows in a wall and get a uv attached to it.
So do have to play at more depth.
I think Bryce does a lot of stuff like this.
And I need to find my 3dshards login stuff because I want to grab the tubing maker.
This image only has 7 faces and I wanted to cut it and end up with the uv for it. But so far can't get gescon to do it. But have to go back and work somemore.
there is always in the store for free, has a 2 way bridge with D|S
or which is frequently heavily discounted for DAZ+ members, loads a lot of DAZ content
otherwise Blender (most popular)
Wings3D, if you like barebones
countless paid 3D modeling softwares
can grab Modo right now for a free 10 year license
why fiddle with primitives when you can actually model stuff
cause I'm lazy with learning new stuff...
And of course all my work in theater and has a carpenter was with primitives like 2x4s and 4x8 sheets of plywood.. used to thinking in that mode
Ah, so you want to create objects (and appropriate UVs) with the minimum number of facets?
In that case, Gescon isn't suitable for your purpose, as you've said.
What we need is a simple primitive editing tool.
keep hoping to find a quick way to get uvs.
Let's see if I can link to my gallery page with four examples on it.
this creates what looks like a link but doesn't seem to function
Text from Gallery
Image below is the last one from the set above.
Do any of the export formats create UVs when exporting?
Correct link
An export will not generate an UV. If an object(s) has UV when exported, it can be included in the export.
sometimes I think I have too much stuff other times I know I do ... I've had this stuck somewhere safe for a while
I figured the odds were nil but would be a great product.