well intresting to have  ful or half or mixed beasts or animlal  moorghing , man or woman or young child terning from human to animal or beast of folklore or real animals  or anthorphic  or in form of  half bear and half dragon  or sharks tail with  lion claw with head of crow,  so have half  animal like bottom of crow ahd top half human,or  one par of an arm be like tiger  arm and rest human , so hole catalog to chooose ,in wat ever form you want or even dragon claw with tiger on same arm or hand or scorpion tail with that  of crockdile tail or even half of face like dragon and bear ever moghing to and form bear or dragon , so its like what will be ,a bear , dragon could do as hole pagackage or  me  go throgh  all animals not done yet for gen 9  model me even so works with gen 8 and 8.1

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