Exporting only the final frame of dForce timeline simulation?

After a lot of trial and error, I've decided the best way to fix Daz's infamous sock boob effect is to scale down my character and dial its morphs to 0 on frame 0 then 100% on frame 29, and simulate using the timeline.
Is there any way to save just the results from only frame 29 and move it to frame 0 and zero the timeline? Not being able to do so is causing me problems with doing multiple renders in sequence with multiple characters.
Export as OBJ, clear the simulation, and import as a morph? Remevber you need just the one item (no add-ons like buuttons on Rigid Follow Nodes) and in base resolution.
if you do that make sure you unfit the clothing and have it at 0,0,0 position too
(also applies to dforce2morph)
Generally you would want it fitted and reverse deformations on, so that the morph stacked on top of tyhe pose - your approach is another way to achieve the same end, but it breaks the link to the wearer (minor tweaks to the pose probably wouldn't ruin the morph, so that may be useful).