Rigging a repeatable object (chain, rope, etc) - addon/plugin/script?

Hey everyone,
I want to make my own chain/rope, etc in Blender and rig it inside of DAZ.
I SWEAR there was a... Plugin, script or something that was able to do it automatically, or at least do it easier than manually selecting every chain ring and rigging it by hand.
I forgot how it was called... Does it ring any bells? Or have I gone mad and there's no such thing?
Bend Manager tool in Code66's Toolbox volume 1 maybe?
Looks great! However a tool for the rigging process itself would be handy too. I guess if each section is identical (like in a chain), there must be a way to automate it somehow? (just rig one vertex group and recursively copy-paste the rigging onto the whole object)
When the model is made you can assign vertex groups to each segment.
Then you can use figure setup to create the object. Though you still need to drag each bone in place.
See maybe this (it is a geograft tail with a number of bones)
I think I remember seeing something like that, but all I've found so far is a tutorial by Sickleyield.