Daz3d email offer not working?

I ogt an email "
We've noticed you haven't yet tried any of our Genesis 3 Characters. We're so sure you'll be impressed, we want to offer you Victoria 7 for free." |
but the price is 44$
Edited title to clarify
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Does the email contain a code you can enter during checkout? Or was that offer time limited?
Usually there is a coupon code that is inclueded in those...
And sometimes the price only goes to the "special" price once its in your shopping cart.
Also, saying that its "misleading" isn't very accurate or helpful. Perhaps asking "can someone help me understand how this works?" would be a better approach.
Discount applies at checkout. Offer valid only for recipient of this message. Offer ends Monday, 2/05/2016 at 11:59pm MST (-7 UTC).
but at check out I see normal price "can someone help me understand how this works?" " :)
Please open a support ticket, assuming that's an email from this year (the fifth of February is not a Monday).
I just got it, the discount is -44$. The offer is upto second of may. I guess now I'll buy some content for it
No, the offer is good until this coming Monday - the day was wrong initially (it was set to end Friday but said Monday) so it has been extended over the weekend to February the 8th. Remember that Amercans write their dates half-backwards - month/day/year.