Weird thumb bend on G9
Posts: 262
I have a character I created for G9. Whenever I bend his thumb 3 on left or right hand, it bends sideways and not down. Whenever I pose a fresh G9 thumb, it doesn't happen.
Post edited by Boorsman on
Did you use the automatic 'Adjust rigging to shape' option? You may have chosen to adjust 'orientation' in the options dialogue. The automated process for adjusting orientation is liable to cause issues for fingers, toes, eyes, so usually good idea to do the rigging adjustments automatically using the default settings. Then, as a next step, do the orientation adjustments manually where needed, e.g., on the fingers and toes, eyes.
I did use "adjust rigging to shape" when I discovered this issue. I didn't notice it at all until I applied a pose for G9 to my character. I don't think it exsisted before now. I would upload an image, but whenever I try, it just keeps saying Uploading. I even checked the file size, and its at 9mb.
When you say you "created a character", what did you mean? You dialled in different presets, or you loaded via morph loader pro. My previous message was assuming you had loaded new character via morph loader pro and adjusted rigging yourself, but now i realise you may have just been creating a custom character from presets...
I would suggest: Load fresh G9. Test the faulty bone (the thumb) by rotating it on each rotation axis. Is it faulty even without your character preset dialled in? Or is it faulty only on specific character?
If faulty on specific character, then one of the character morphs being used for that character may have incorrect rigging orientation. Identify which individual morph causes issue. Then with that morph loaded in you can adjust the orientation of the bones manually with the Joint Editor tool selected, in the Tool Options pane. If you then want to re-do the ERC freeze process that links the rigging to your morph, you can do the following:Perhaps easiest way is in Edit Mode, right click and choose the ERC Bake (Delta add...etc) option. That will unlink the ERC properties, and you can redo ERC Freeze. And can re-save modifier asset.
If that last step about ERC freeze and saving modifier asset is above your head, then perhaps just dont use the faulty morph.
I created this character from dialing different morphs from different products I bought from here. I created him in 2007 with M4 and K4 morphs. Since then I have been updating him to the newest Genesis. I used Figure Converter to convert him from G8M to G9 and have been making small adjustments. I have looked at all the morphs used, and none seem to be the issue. I even saved tthe shape and applied it to a frsh G9, and there is no issue. However, after applying the shape to a new G9, the face is by the tiniest bit not quite right. Something just seems off.