Ultrascenery2 - PlugIn isn't available - where does it install?

When I go to the panes I see the XT and all other plugins but not US2. 

Windows 11.

I did move content to a different drive which is where the plugins folder is. 

Sadly, US2 isn't there.

My thought is to find out where it installs then copy it to my plugins folder.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


  • Ultra Scenery 2 is a plug-in and goes in the plugins folder (or a subfolder) in the main application folder.

  • AabacusAabacus Posts: 407

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Ultra Scenery 2 is a plug-in and goes in the plugins folder (or a subfolder) in the main application folder.

    I found that folder...and I have other plug ins in there...but US2 isn't. I've uninstalled and reinstalled. 

    I did move my applications to my E: drive in a different folder. I suspect it's going to a different folder somewhere but I'll be darned if I can find it.

    Thank you for helping! Always appreciate it!

  • Assuming you installed through DIM you can right-click>Show Installed Files to get a list of what went where. Check, in the Applications tab, that the paths are correct.

  • AabacusAabacus Posts: 407

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Assuming you installed through DIM you can right-click>Show Installed Files to get a list of what went where. Check, in the Applications tab, that the paths are correct.

    Okay, so when I did that I saw everything (and can browse to everything) except the plugin folder. it's not listed in the installed files. I thought that was weird. 

    Do you happen to have the "standard" out of the box path for PlugIns? I'm not seeing it(and I've moved things around due to disk constraints) but I have probably screwed something up...go figure.


  • You are looking at the plug-in package (with the operating system in the name)?

  • AabacusAabacus Posts: 407

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You are looking at the plug-in package (with the operating system in the name)?


    That was it. I was hiding some files in my Download Filters that I didn't want to install and that got caught in the mix.

    Brilliant. Thank you kindly, fixed now!

  • Heh, I had the package but it wasn't isntalled - probably too slow to aprove the UAC prompt when there was an update.

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