Hair/Clothing Conversion and File Sizes

The conversion function of DAZ works great, however - converting one ot two G3 items to wear on a G8 figure is wonderful way to take a nice svelte 750kb file and balloon it to over 13000kb!
Is there anything that can be done about that?
With the way of conversion, e.g. Auto-Fit, the geometry data of the converted items are saved within the scene file... that's why you get a bigger DUF file size. The resolution is to save the converted hair/clothing as Figure Assets, with your Vendor name, via File > Save as > Support Asset > Figure/Prop Assets...
Then, the geometry data will be saved within data folder rather than the scene file.
Remeber, however, that the data is going to be there in one way or another - if you plane to use the converted item in more than one scene then saving as an asset will save space in the long-term, but if it is a one shot then it may be better left in the scene file rather than having an unused set of /data files cluttering your drives after you archive the scene file.
You both bring up interesting points! I guess I would then wonder if either method is more of drag on rendering than the other?
As far as disk space goes, my DAZ Content directory is already over 400gb not sure how much more this would add to it!
Neither will affect renderspeed, the amount of data in memory and what is then sent to iray would be the same (or nearly so for working memory).
Jumping on the file size bandwaggon, and apologies if it's the wrong place or etiquette.
I just purchased 5 moustaches because they were cheap. what fun when I found they were roughly 0.5Gbyte EACH. [my goodness].
I won't be downloading them so they are potentially useless to me. This has happened before but never so extreme.
Can DAZ3d please publish the file size on the advert, as I certainly wouldn't have bought them had I known the size.
Which moustache product is that? Strand-based hair can be heavy.
Mustache Styles for Genesis 9, As I said, I haven't downloaded any to find out what material they are, even though it looks as though they might be individual items.
The main point was, Can the file size be shown in the advert?
Not shouting, Just the font from the ad which I Copied & pasted. Sorry.
Most of that is in the data folder, the individual models vary from a bit under 10MB to 800MB - but that last, which was the biggest of the oens I checked, was mostly down to many morphs; the actual hair model was about 50MB. So, as long as you didn't use mutliple models with multiple morphs applied it's impact on working memory would not be that bad and of course only the final shape is sent to rendering.
Thanks for taking the trouble, however the files are still massive (2,447Gb download) just to use 1 moustache carefully, so that won't be happening, G9 could have 2 X The streets of old London under his/her nose for the same memory,
I am nothing but a user, but there are surely ways to programme, code and compile which woud be more efficient. If not i'm sorry for the implied slur. Back to the original question,
The only data I can find is on my Product Library page, Where is the data folder please? that I can view before I buy.
Product link
Link to file list
There are many morphs, and with 15 mustaches it will add up. But in actual load in the render, it will only be a the weight of a single mustache, i.e. much less. How much geometry each mustache has - no clue, I don't have the product.
The data folder is part of the product's installed files - I have the set and so was able to look. Each moustache is a separate model, with separate morphs, so the total file size is enormous but not, as felis says, the in-memory size for just each item unmorphed or with only one or two morphs applied (the bulky part of a morph is the deltas, the offsets for the vertex positions, and that isn't loaded until the morph is set to a non-zero value).
Thanks for all your help, but the main question was always, "How do I find the file size before buying?" You (Richard) imply that i can only find out after download. Is this correct. Thanks again.
Yes, the readme doesn't list file sizes just names - though seeing that there are many morphs for many items would, in this case, be a good indication or relative size for the actual loaded items. You can of course purchase and ask for a refund if the product does prove to be unwieldy.
Thanks for all your efforts, since the file size is common knowledge to DAZ3D, it would be useful now that file sizes seem to be expanding rapidly, for them to be printed on the advert.
Once more, Thanks all.