Help - how to sharpen my images

So, coming in from using Poser, I'm having great fun playing with DS 4.8 and Iray.
My images are lacking sharpness, and, frankly, I can't fathom the Iray settings.
I've increased Max Samples to 11,000; I've set Max Time to 22,000; Convered ratio to 98.7%, but it's still not sharp.
Does Min Samples help? Set to what?
What about the filtering options?
How about tone mapping? I run ISO at 175; is that good?
Any clues and suggestions will be much appreciated.
One possibility ios that DOF (Depth of field) is activated, but without seeing an exmaple it ios hard to tell. Can you post an image that illustrates the problem?
Please post an example will be a lot easier to help you if we could see what you dislike and what you want to achieve.