"60 Essential Faces" Question

in The Commons
Just installed this product, which is potentially a great tool: you get 60 faces with control dials that you can mix and match in any combination to create your own faces.
But: as far as I can tell, there is no pdf or online document that shows what the 60 base faces look like. So either you go through them one by one and take lots of notes, or you're effectively just operating by trial-and-error.
Am I missing something? Each of the faces has a name--do they exist as a set of jpegs or png files somewhere?
Would be good to know.
This product ?
There is a pdf on Daz wiki, but it's just to show where the sliders are so I guess you only have the promo renders to give you an idea, hopefully done in alphabetical order to help you get an idea.
My question is would using the Genesis 8 to Genesis 9 morph transfer process that being a Premier member work with such a precision set of morphs, especially with the changed eye structures and higher polygon counts?