Cryptid Heroes Outfit Question

It is unclear to me in the descriptions for the Cryptid Heores Outfit and the texture expansion ( and if everyting in these two packages are there to make all of the costumes shwon in the attached promo for the texture expansion set. Specifically, I am wondering if everything is there to make all of the masks that are shown. The Cryptid Heroes Outfit description doesn't really say if the mask is actually morphable like the ones that are shown in my image. Can anyone who has this set let me know if these masks can be made as shown, or if another morph set is required?
Thanks in advance for any replies.

Ah, i realized i bought them and never used it... To answer your question, yes, evrything you might need to generate the costumes/uniforms/outfits is present in the product so you are ready to go.
Thanks nemesis10.
I didn't see the belt in Daz Studio. The costume page says it comes with a belt.