Hologram Image Maker for Daz Studio RELEASED [Commercial]

DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
edited February 2016 in Daz PA Commercial Products

One of the coolest things you can do with smart phones!... Wow and Amaze your friends with Hologram Images that you have made! You will need to either make a pyramid for your smart phone, or you can purchase one quite cheap. (google: hologram projector for smart phone) And the final videos are not just for smart phones. They can be used in commercial signage hologram projectors.

This product will include two scripts.

These script have different options to make them a very power tool.

The main difference between the two scripts are; one will let you render your animated scene with 1, 3 or 4 cameras, and create an image series. The other will let you use prerendered images series to create the hologram ready image series. These image series are then ready to be converted to a video (I use Adobe After Effects, but there are other free and paid for software available) and posted to the web (YouTube), to be viewed.


  • Create hologram images series for 3 or 4 sided pyramid
  • Projection from Top or Bottom
  • Blend mode Additive, Alpha(default), Multicative, Subractive
  • Where to save hologram image series and type of image file
  • Base (background) image (default is a black image size 1920 x 1080)
  • Use an image series for background image
  • Save each camera render for later use

Some examples of final versions that I made on YouTube:

1000 x 1300 - 436K
1000 x 1300 - 387K
1000 x 1300 - 531K
Post edited by DraagonStorm on


  • I have no idea how you come up with all of these great ideas, but you have no idea how perfectly timed this is.  I could literally reach out and kiss you.  Thank you SO much!  I love this and will definitely get some use out of this.  I do have one question just for clarification.  It looks like the script just deals with renders and animation, yes?  So, theoretically the finished product should fall into the EULA for animations and I can sell or give away the finished holographic animation?  No meshes or anything in the final product.  Am I understanding how the script works in that regard?  Any kind of ETA?  I have so many ideas in my head right now for author Swag that I will be anxiously waiting for this to come out in the shop!

  • I have no idea how you come up with all of these great ideas, but you have no idea how perfectly timed this is.  I could literally reach out and kiss you.  Thank you SO much!  I love this and will definitely get some use out of this.  I do have one question just for clarification.  It looks like the script just deals with renders and animation, yes?  So, theoretically the finished product should fall into the EULA for animations and I can sell or give away the finished holographic animation?  No meshes or anything in the final product.  Am I understanding how the script works in that regard?  Any kind of ETA?  I have so many ideas in my head right now for author Swag that I will be anxiously waiting for this to come out in the shop!

    Yes, you can sell the final product. ETA depends on Daz Marketting, they select release date. Everything has been tested and passed.

  • Very cool!

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Looks interesting, I checked out the hologram projectors, honestly never heard of them but now tempted to buy one for my iPhone 6s but I don't understand how they work so hopefully the product will explain.  I seen one for 2.99 on eBay so it's worth a shot, but are they one time use per image? 

  • dkgoose said:

    Looks interesting, I checked out the hologram projectors, honestly never heard of them but now tempted to buy one for my iPhone 6s but I don't understand how they work so hopefully the product will explain.  I seen one for 2.99 on eBay so it's worth a shot, but are they one time use per image? 

    I don't go into to much explaination of the theory of this in the product itself... Google: smart phone hologram projector, and just check out the links is the best way to see how they work.

    These are the two projectors I bought at Amazon:

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013ZCRGPQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01 <-- This is the one I really like

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0179IG2L6?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01 <-- This one would be more convenient


  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited February 2016

    I'll go with the first one, it looks cool I can't wait for this to come out it'll be cool making holograms, now to buy animate when it's on sale again so I can do animated holograms

    thank you for the quick response 

    Post edited by Dkgoose on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,910
    edited February 2016

    Presumably this will also work with tablets equipped with a hologram projector??? Does it have to be animated or can you also just create a static image for holographic projection?

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • Presumably this will also work with tablets equipped with a hologram projector??? Does it have to be animated or can you also just create a static image for holographic projection?

    Yes, it will work with tablets, or monitors.. It doesn't have to be an animated video.

  • I guess I'm just having an attack of the stupids today - got a simple thing I want to render. Choose the four camera route. What's my preferred render solution? I usually use Luxus to feed it to Luxrender, but Luxrender will simply render until I tell it to stop. Do I tell DAZ to use the 3Dlight render or the built-in iRay instead? (First time I'm ever trying to render like this, so please forgive the lack of understanding on this. Plenty of single frame renders, but I haven't even done a simple animation yet.)

  • There's no 'preferred render solution'. It is a choice of yours to make. I used 3Delight for testing, but you could use Iray.. Depends on your computer, and patience :)

    Or if you want to use Luxrender, you can prerender your scenes with Luxrender and use the Hologram Image Maker Prerendered script to create the hologram projector ready image.

  • Given the way Luxrender works, I'd probably be best off doing it that way - one render for each of the cameras, and then run that script. (I had asked because it started to render, and then just kept going, as LR is wont to do.)

    Thanks for the response. I look forward to seeing what this comes up with. *grin*

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    I bought this, haven't installed yet, went on eBay to buy a projector till I get one on Amazon or try to make a bigger one, they all seem so small, so it should be in beginning of March.  Hoping it comes in early though :)

  • Well, I'm certainly learning how to place cameras precisely, dealing with this. *laugh* Not good having the left camera's image be noticeably smaller than the front camera, for example.

    Annoying the process may be, but using this set of scripts is actually helping me improve my layout & design, in order to get a good looking output. And this will be fun, once I've got it down.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    I'm confused, what does this script do, exactly?

    I thought it set things up and automated rendering to make the hologram movie files, but Kinsfire's post seems to say that's not it at all...so it doesn't like set up cameras ready to be used for this?

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    There are two scripts, one will render all 3 or 4 sides into seperate images then you would use a program like adobe premiere to combine the images, and make the video, the first script loads cameras and the second does the rendering.  I haven't done video yet but I did a still image, but for a video you would just get a series of images.  Here is one image I did, it will render all the camera images desperately then combine them like in the image below, the second image is the projection

    1094 x 1080 - 83K
    768 x 1024 - 93K
  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited March 2016
    dkgoose said:

    There are two scripts, one will render all 3 or 4 sides into seperate images then you would use a program like adobe premiere to combine the images, and make the video, the first script loads cameras and the second does the rendering.  I haven't done video yet but I did a still image, but for a video you would just get a series of images.  Here is one image I did, it will render all the camera images desperately then combine them like in the image below, the second image is the projection

    One script will render using the cameras and compine the each camera into one frame.. And do this for each frame in the animation.

    The other script will compine already rendered images into one frame, and do this for each render in the folder(s).. If you have more then one folder.. (pre rendered from different cameras) each folder needs to have the same amount of image files in it.

    Then you will need something like adobe after effects or premiere or what ever to create the video.

    Post edited by DraagonStorm on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    I'm still a bit confused... Is there a button you press that will give you say 4 cameras set up that you can then put a figure in the center of? And then the scripts will render and combine etc?

    Or do you need to figure out camera placement yourself?


  • There is a 3 and a 4 camera preset that you can use, if you want, that points to the center of your scene, optimised for a standard figure such as Genesis. Or you can set up your own, and select them in the script. If you use the presets, the script will automatically select those cameras. If you create your own then you select them yourself in the script.

  • Sean123Sean123 Posts: 49

    Yesterday have bought The Hologram Image maker , 30 seconds in the timeline , Rendering with a quadcore l7 3.40 GHz, during time more then 6 Hours and not ready..!!!

    4 camera's and one character ( Genesis 3 )

    Can not understand what the problem is sad


  • Sean123Sean123 Posts: 49
    Sean123 said:

    Yesterday have bought The Hologram Image maker , 30 seconds in the timeline , Rendering with a quadcore l7 3.40 GHz, during time more then 6 Hours and not ready..!!!

    4 camera's and one character ( Genesis 3 )

    Can not understand what the problem is sad

                      Found it !!!  rendermode in photoreal Iray change to 3Delight smiley

    Sean123 said:



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