End file size for renders, changes to render engines

Hi everyone,
Could really use some help here. Since the upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7, I have been unable to get the same quality of render I was with 4.5. File sizes end up smaller than before (my high quality renders came in at around 40MB to 120MB, and were easily able to be scaled up or down in Photoshop), but since anything 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, I have not been able to increase the file size, and final render size is 540KB, which is tiny, and when scaling it in Photoshop it ends up grainy and pixelated.
I am a DAZ hobbyist, not a computer scientist, so simple terms greatly appreciated!
What my end goal is to be able to do, is render around the 15MB to 50MB in size. With 4.5, I was able to set the slider to max settings, and end up with a very long (usually overnight render) but with beautiful detail and great lighting. Using the same scene, but rendering it now, ends up flat, lifeless, and with zero level of the detail it once got. Even changing render engines back to before 3Delight does nothing to fix this.
I have long been trying to get back to this level of detail using the new iRay, and 3Delight, but have not been able to come anywhere near close to what I was once getting. If I upgrade from 4.8 to 4.9, will I be able to adjust the file size, and if so, how? Because in 4.8, when I try to manually change the size with the little padlock unlocked, it ALWAYS resets to default as soon as I click away. Why does it do this? And does 4.9 fix this problem?
Any help greatly appreciated
It sounds to me as if you are looking at the thumbnails, generated in the default render library as the final render. They are not...
Or you have the render setting to a thumbnail sized render.
In your Render settings pane, what are the General settings? (easiest to post a screenshot).
The path is important, because thumbnails will only be generated when saved to a render library (it's the icon that looks like a pile of pictures, the folder (what I have showing) is just a normal, everyday folder, nothing special.
Thanks for your answer mjc1016, I am not on my home computer at the moment to test this out, however where you have written in red on the screenshot, the settings I have are on the 400 range to 568 in the Pixel Size, and yet when I change them to make them larger, they ALWAYS default back to what it is as default. Constrain Proportions on or off does nothing to stop that happening.
I am wondering if it is some bug in the system, because it shouldn't default back, but I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I do not want a thumbnail sized render, I want soemthing in the 5MB arena, preferably up to 20MB per image. I like the larger file sizes because it allows me to work on the tiny details in Photoshop no problem, but like this as it is is it's far too pixelated to be useful.
I really appreciate your comments, I cannot wait to test it out from home.
If its putting its own values in, it sounds like it getting its size from your viewport.
Check that setting, fifth from the bottom, that says 'Render Target'.
If it says 'Viewport' instead of 'New window' then that is causing it to ignore any numbers you type in.
Actually I think it's the Dimension preset that needs to be changed, to something other than Screen.
Thanks for the answers, I am currently mid-render, and it's taking a long time, but getting that previous detail it once did. I cannot wait to see the final image after the long render time, already it's looking far better than what I have been able to achieve. Skin looks more alive!
It's allowing me to change the viewport, check Custom, and actually create my own sizing once more. Maybe it was just a bug long term? So far it seems to be working, thanks mjc1016, Prixat, and Richard for your help. After the render is done, I will check the options you have mentioned here and see if that changes things too!
So excited!