How To Make Poses Not to Change Their Position

Hi, Please huide me how to make the poses not to change their position. I mean, there are scenarios where a certain pose which we like, when we apply to a Character model, changes it place in scene and it moves to a different position. Is there anyway to make sure they won't. Any tool to convert them inplace.?

Also, sometime I face issues with rotation of a Character, let say, I want to rotate it to Y axis but white it rotates, it also change its place. Any fix for this also.

Please help.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Hold Ctrl key before applying a Pose Preset, then uncheck XYZ in Translation.

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Poses can have position as part of them - sometimes helpful when you have interacting figures.

    If you hold Ctrl (on Windows) when double-clicking the pose a little dialog pops up. Uncheck the axis under Translation and click Accept and that should do what you want.


  • @crosswind and Sofacitizen - Thanks for help. Will take a look

  • In general placement within a scene should be handled with the figure node (e.g. Genesis 9) and adjustments for the pose (to place feet on the floor or to align interacting figures in a group pose) should be doen via the hip. Pose sets from the Daz Store should reflect that, and if you use the figure node to move the figure there should be no issue..

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    In general placement within a scene should be handled with the figure node (e.g. Genesis 9) and adjustments for the pose (to place feet on the floor or to align interacting figures in a group pose) should be doen via the hip. Pose sets from the Daz Store should reflect that, and if you use the figure node to move the figure there should be no issue..

    That makes a lot of sense - where are these (and others)  "Should be" guidelines stated? That is, where do Daz published artists get a set of these sorts of guidelines that they adhere to when creating their products?  

  • Can I suggest you make an observational comment to the pose creator too. It's not very good practice to save a pose where the figure has an X/Y/Z position defined or the hip has significant translations unless they're required for pose interactions with ground/other figures - so there may be reasons for the position, but if those criteria have not been met, it could be accidental that the figure is moved.

    I have done a few poses where the figure position was defined - but (I hope) it was only to permit interactions with other freebie bits I created and having the positioning in the pose made life easier when aligning prop & figure.



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