Congratulations on 4.9!

I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work done to 4.9. See... I switched to Daz Studio when I saw the spectacular renders achievable with iRay.
I have 4 Titan Xs and got them just to speed up Daz Studio. I'm real happy with the results its just that real-time iRay interaction is still not possible on medium to large scenes. This greatly disappoints me but 4.9 seems to have adressed some of these issues. I can pan and rotate the camera in real time rendering which is beautiful but as soon as I move an object or figure it starts lagging so much that I have to go back to Shaded Texture.
Thanks again and please keep working on real interactive iRay.
intercation is not possible. not like ocatne. You have to switch to shaded view, manipulate and the swith back to iray. problem is the switch back and forth forces a reload wich can take a few minutes for a complex scene. A little trick that i figured out that bypasses the reload is to open the aux viewport, undock it, then have it render in iray buyt very. very small... say 50 by 50 pixels...once this is done then you'll be able to swtich your main viewport between iray and texture shaded with no delay...
Thank you Nick for that tip! That is so much better. If it can do that I wonder why some kind of optimized implementation hasn't been set up yet. It is not fair having all this gpu power and not being able to use it because of unoptimized code.
Anyway, thanks again.