DAZ Studio 4.9 Prompt for missing textures?

I always change the location of my texture files so that they are in the main product install directory rather than under Runtime. In DS 4.8, whenever I loaded a character with textures, I would get prompted for the location of the texture directory. Under DS 4.9, I get prompted to re-install the character, which is unacceptable. Is there any way to get DS 4.9 to behave like DS 4.8 and prompt for the directory location.
I like all of my product content to be installed under the same parent directory -- This can be done, except for the files in Data. Maybe some day, this will be the standard way of installing content.
Don't move anything in Runtime/Textures/. Studio and Poser both use relative addressing so if you move the textures neither program will find them. This is not a bug or some shortcoming of the programs, it is user error.
I know that if you move anything in Runtime/Textures DAZ Studio will not find it. That was OK with me since 4.8 would prompt for the texture directory. In 4.9 you get prompted to re-install the product via DAZ Connect!! My question is: How do I get 4.9 to prompt for the texture directory, when I try to use my content?
DAZ should make DS so that the user can specify how content is installed. As an example, for clothing, I would opt for a product directory under "people/character/clothing", with the product, material, textures, and data files all in the product directory and their respective product, material, textures, and data subdirectories.
Again you are doing something you shouldn't do, if you were not doing that there would no need for the prompt. DAZ has been trying to streamline and simplify the way content is installed so that the mass of new users don't need to ever look at the actual file locations. This streamlining appears to include the coding in Studio so certain error checks and prompts have been removed as DAZ may feel they wouldn't help new users anyway. You should file a bug report if you think this is wrong.
May I ask why you would move the Textures out of the Runtime folder?
To me it does not make any sense.
MovingTextures or the whole folder will mess the path up and that is why DS will ask for the path / location, it can not find the Textures.
I do think that is is smarter that 4.9 asks you to re install a product as than all will be in the right place.
This is not a bug because there is nothing wrong with DS 4.9, it just got smarter:)
Sorry, posted this twice.
I have to side with nakamura here.....while reinstalling should be an option, it should still allow you to manually find the file. MORE options are good, less options cause problems.
I don't mind DAZ Studio prompting me for the texture directory. After applying a material, I can always save a materials file with the new folder path.
I move the textures to a sub-directory called "textures" under the product folder, so I can find them easily and resize, edit, or modify them, and create my own. With third-party textures, location becomes even more of a problem everthing is under different directories. There is no naming convention for product install paths. Sometimes, you have to open a .duf file to find a texture path, because of naming inconsistencies. That really sucks. Since there is no naming convention, we should be allowed to specify the names and locations of the product-related files shich we OWN.
Runtime is a hold over from Poser. It's time for something better.
I have custoemised textures in seperate folders; why? because it works for me like that.
This is more of the case of we're being told as artists we're holding the brush in the wrong way, or however someone else thinks a tool should be used. It's a tool and will be used as I see fit.
I too don't like this feature. I like the improvement to IRAY, but I may revert to 4.8 again - I keep trying it (4.9) out. :)
Well...that is what Connect does. Connect content is individual folders for each product with everything in that folder.
Actually, there is a naming convention...several of them. And that's part of the problem...because DS 1 and 2 had one, DS3 had one, DS 4.0 and 4.5 each had another, Poser has one and so on. Trying to maintain that many and keep the bulk of the items able to be opened in two vastly different programs (several, actually, when you throw Carrara and Bryce) is a bit more than 'there isn't one'. Runtime/Textures is about as close to an absolute as you can have.
Well, when you pull the bristles off the brush and put them somewhere else...it doesn't really matter how the hell you hold it.
Amen. However DS4.9 and Smart Content is no longer a tool. It has become an obstacle.
Not so much an absolute as the closest thing to a "least common denominator" standard we're likely to get. That's where Poser texture files had to go, and D|S was made as a works-like-Poser program that could read Poser files. Doing it this way has worked all along, ever since the very first betas of D|S, so there's never been a perceived need to change it. The new changes in how Connect handles content don't quite break this standard, but they do sort of make it bend and wobble a bit. Especially for those of us who don't use "the way we're supposed to do it" (I don't use DIM, the CMS or Smart Content, always check my newly installed content for ways I can rearrange the folders so they make sense, but I never touch the Textures folder. Singular.)
THis is fixed in Thanks DAZ!!
True, unless it's to put some of the bristles in a really small holder to create a new too. One that suits one's own workflow; or just in persuit of a new idea.
I've taken the step of uninstalling SQL components; it removes any concerns I have over Connect and DRM. I like the IRAY changes, and am happily using the beta of 4.9.
I get that too for some products even though I uninstalled and reinstalled same have been moved and so the uninstall failed. DAZ Studio found those broken remnants and makes them available. I can only mamually delete or update the product files myself so I'll probably leave them be as I don't use them often. I do wish DAZ would remember and correct the texture locations in the effected product though after I go to the trouble of repeatedly finding the images on opening the product.