Dynamic cloth passing through objects?

Working with the old Dynamic Sheets, got the sim and fabric pretty much where I want it, except for the fact that it keep passing through solid objects.
Its a really simple sim: draping over figures on a bed. Covers the figures great but keeps passing through the mattress and the bed frame! Why is this happening and what can I do to stop it?
Is the bed set as a collision object? Does the mesh of the bed have any verticse in the area covered by the cloth or is it just defined at its corners? If there's no geometry try adding a primitive cube with a reasonable number of divisions, hidden and sized to match the bed, as a collision object.
In poser I would set it up to collide against them, not sure if DS works the same though
If you have the collision set to everything sometimes it overwhelms the simulation and things will not register. Make sure you have unchecked as much of scene in the collision list.
If you switch to wireframe view you can see if there's enough verticies to collide with the dynamic cloth.
yes the bed was set as a collision object. Oddly, you are correct... there are huge gaps in the mesh. Not seen anything quite like that before. I was hoping to not have to go the cube route... but now that I have the damn thing is passing right through the cube! What is up with that! 6ft cube with 20 divisions.
You didn't happen to SubD the bed, did you?
If you have just the cube and set that as the only collision object, does it still pass right through?
No, I did not subdivide the bed.
If I set the cube as the only collision object it works... not perfectly, but it works.
Thanks, yes, I am aware of the complications. The minimum of items is selected to collide.
Well, I got it to work... had to carefully deslect certain parts of one of the figures on the bed, but... like magic, it works now.
Thanks for all your input, folks, very appreciated.