Feature Request (if not already present): Scene::Select All Sought and Scene::find/replace

Greetings, all, was working with a scene today, and in the Scene dialog, I was using a search to find all my dirt decals for my figure. It works as I would expect -- I have to explode the hierarchy, fine, cool, whatever. So now I've found all my items. I have questions:
- Is there a way -- besides individual selection -- to select all the sought items without selecting their parents as well?
- Is there a way to search by item type? I seem to be misunderstanding the class:: or type:: or name:: specifiers because I can't seem to get them to work.
- Is there a way to rename items en masse, such as from 'blahblahblah Decal' to 'Dirt' or some such?
If any of 1, 2, 3 are not so, I would like to submit them as feature requests.
Thank you for your patience with a clod.
P.S.: I can't find the discussion anymore, I think my post got axed or the discussion did: I found the problem with iRay preview refusing to progress if decals were present. The problem only presents if the decals are not associated with an object. Other than that, they work fine. This has now become a handy diagnostic tool for reminding me that I have unattached decals in the scene.
For 1 and 3 my old Selection Tools script may help https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rsuayzjiaxdl1q9ol6han/RHSelectionTools.zip?rlkey=cvbvpimsuhjl2j8yw29df69ti&dl=0
Thank you, I will try this out. (Assuming it is compatible with DS4...)
I think I wrote them for DS4 - it's been around for a while. I have used some of them fairly recently.