Saved Custom Render Settings Lost

So I have several render settings (specific resolutions) that I reuse several times, so I generally try to make a custom set of settings, and then save them. And they'll be there... for a while. But then I'll be working on a new file or something, and they won't be there any more.
Are the settings locked to a specific file/scene? Is there any way to have some persistent settings that remain available, even if I start a new scene?
The custom settings are in
%AppData%/DAZ 3D/Studio4/dzrendersettingsdimensionspresets.dsx
for Windows. If the files are present and accessible their values should appear in the list - if not check that soemthing like security software isn't killing them or blocking them.
This is also happening to me. Currently, it only ever shows the last setting I create.
If I populate this file and set it to read only will it break things? It's getting tiresome recreating them every morning. Thanks.
There'll be no serious harm if you set the file as Read Only... exept for that you cannot save new Dimension Preset anymore.
I would not suggest setting a settings file to read-only, it might cause issues. TYhe question is why this is happening at all. The obvious first thing to check is logs for your security software, and also that the folder is not being moved to OneDrive (though I don't think AppData, for good and ill, usually does get shunted to OneDrive).
Thanks. I use ESET and can't see anything obvious in the logs. I don't use One Drive and I'm not signed in to it so probably not that.
If I open Studio, save a preset and close it again it looks to be there next time so there is maybe some more complex interaction required to cause it.
I also use ESET but have no such an issue of losing Dimension Presets ~
Do you use multiple instances of DS?
No, but I have some large scenes so it takes a long time to exit. It's possible I'm sometimes trying to restart it before it's actually stopped.
I don't know when this file is read and written but if it's not when custom presets are saved there could be a race condition. For example if it's read at start up and written on exit multiple instances of Studio could break it. I have no idea how this code actually works, just a theory.
It just happened again, back to one saved preset. Is there any logging that might help? Or if not can I suggest adding some to a future build?
You could check the Daz Studio log (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File) for errors related to the dzrendersettingsdimensionspresets.dsx file, especially before close and after open.
There doesn't seem to be anything relevant in the log file unfortunately.
It's odd because I was trying to cause it yesterday by opening and closing a lot of scenes and it didn't happen.