How to transfer weight maps, but not rigging?

Is there a way to transfer just the weight maps, but not the rigging (from G3F to clothing)? Is it also possible to do such a transfer in world space. It seems if the pose isn't zeroed out, it'll still do the transfer as if the pose is at zero which is very annoying (though that may be due to the rigging being transferred).
What are you wanting? You can't have weightmaps free-floating, they need to belong to bones. Are you wanting to avoid the hierarchy or the bone alignments/centres?
When I transfer the weight maps from the G3F figure to the clothing item, it also transfers the bones. I'd like it to leave the bones on the clothing alone (iow, don't create new bones and don't move the rigging properties). It also then transfers the weight maps as if all the bone poses are zeroed out. I'd like it to transfer the weight maps from their original positions. Is this possible?
Note too that my rigging for the clothing item is 100% identical to the G3F figure where the clothing item exists all the way up to the hip. But when I transfer the weight maps, it moves them around and then the weight maps are all in the wrong places.
You can try to transfer only the weight maps with Merge Hierarchies.
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Thanks Karen. I'll give that a shot.
@Richard, it means that if you have rotations in your pose, the transfer will ignore those rotations on the figure and do the transfer of weight maps as if the pose was at zero. This causes a misalignment of the weight maps. It'd be nice if I could model everything at zero rotation, but unfortunately shoes and other things just don't work well that way. Luckily, I did find out how to copy and paste weight maps. Pretty easy when you know where everything is.
Shoes...I'll buy that one. They are hard to get right no matter how you model them.
You can bake transforms, I can't recall thes teps (it's not something I've done) but it is in the menus for the tools or panes.