Filament Opacity Issues in DAZ 4.23

cain-xcain-x Posts: 197
edited October 2024 in Daz Studio Discussion

Just wanted to confirm if these opacity issues remain in the latest iteration of Filament.

The hair themselves just have a diffuse and opacity map and using the FilaToon Constant shader settings - it gets it close but not close enough. Are there other tips/tricks I can try here? Iray/3delight renders the hair much better but Filament is just that much quicker.

2024-10-22 20_22_02-.png
893 x 1203 - 1M
2024-10-22 21_36_21-Sayuri - Raise the Sail (Hair C - Ponytail) - File Explorer.png
566 x 215 - 76K
Post edited by cain-x on


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Lower PBR Masked Threshold.

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    If you noted toon hairs are solid geometry. Filament can't handle multiple layers of transparency, not even in 4.23. That's somewhat odd as opengl works fine with multipass, but filament doesn't have a multipass option.

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