Help with Daz content Folder please

Hi, I haven't been installing daz for quite a while, and now that the new version is available, on a new computer, I decided to try it out.
to my surprise, there is now a daz connect folder
this frustrate me so much, trying to figure this out
it used to be that, I install daz, the installer ask me where the daz directory will be, and where the "DAZ Content" will be
and I have set it correctly.
Yet, when I install the genesis asset from the Smart content tab on the left, instead of it going to the daz content. it is going to the daz connect.
why daz, why? I don't want my asset to be on C:
so I custom everything to be on D: instead and it still ended up in C:
just in case, I went to the Content library tab, right click on the daz connect folder and browse file location
in C: yes, but I found it,
out of curiosity, I try to move some of the manual install asset that was installed on my other computer, to that, they have the same file name, so it should be fine, yet when I relaunched Daz, only the installed asset from Smart content is displayed
so my question is, how do I make Daz content folder appear instead of it keeps going to Daz connect, despite me custom root it to D: when the installer ask me where would I like the Daz content will be?
The Connect folder is an aggregated virtua;l folder merging all of the /data/cloud/1_SKU/ folders that DS knows about - it isn't a single location, and can't show anything but fils installed with Daz Connect (that is, through Daz Studio). It's location is configurable - Edit>Preferences, go to the Content tab, click the Content Directory Manager button, highlight the Daz Connect Data entry, and click the Edit button on the left. You will be asked if you want to make the current location a regular content directory, so that the products can still be found, but you can decline that and move the files across to whatever new location you chose.
You don't, or shouldn't, need to isntall this way - you can use Install Manager if you like, and that will use a real directory to which you can manually add files as you desire. If you are using DIM but the installed items are not showing in Daz Studio then there is probably a mis-match between the path settings or, if they show but the products are still available to install in product views, there may be an issue adding their entries to the database.
You do not have to work with Daz Studio online at all (unless you are a Premium Member wanting to use the free, Premium-exclusive content) which should make it easier to avoid any double-installation of content.