Learning to Pose

Hello all, its been a while and I've been practicing for some time now. However, I would love to learn to do my own poses. My trouble is - well, it never seems to go like I invision. I've tried pinning but it either restricts the movement I'm going for - or how I think it would effect the other body parts.
Are there any tutorials for learning to pose (I'm using G2 and G3 figures)? I did a quick search on the forums for learning to pose but nothing fruitful popped up.
Here is the image I'm trying to recreate: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Nana-Kuronoma-Lucky-Cheeks-4-584343283
(there is no nudity in the link despite the odd naming of the picture. Just a simple Heel, panty and shirt shot)
Perhaps the best way is to find a pose that's close, and then modify it to fit your concept. Work from the center of the body (i.e. the hip) outward. I have had limited success with pinning so I usually move each piece individually - again, working from the center outward.
That defeats what I'm trying to learn to do. Those poses are made somehow. Ill try the 'center outward' trick you mentioned and see if that might work.