Fixing File References in Scene Files

I have recneltly moved some of my files around to ensure all of my content files are in the same base path. However, now my scenes are having issues as the files they reference are no longer where they used to be. Can anyone give me any advice on how to fix this? It would take a LONG time to individually find the locations for each file. If I can somehow just do a "change basepath for all files" that would be perfect, but I can't seem to find such a thing.
As long as you prserved the relative location of the content (where it was in the content folder, assuming it was in a content folder) the scene should work. If you are getting errors for items that were in content directories that sounds as if they were or are, or both, in the wrong place. Content that was not ina content directory at all will give errors if moved. What sort of errors are you getting?