Duplicate ID's issue

RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,258

Duplicate ID's issue

Messed myself up creating new shapes for a figure.  Now I have duplicate ID's and I tried the older Fix Duplicate ID's script, I think Richard made but I keep getting errors.  So maybe there's a newer version of this script out there? 

Really love to get his resolved.

Thank you



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2024

    With DS 4.21+, you shouldn't get "duplicate IDs issue" anymore from what you made... as DS creates unique url when you create / save morph assets. However, you still have chance to get "duplicate formulas issue" in a single morph asset ~~

    It's easy to fix the former issue by using a script but not for the latter issue . So, better confirm which type of issue did you get  ~


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,258

    This is what pops up.



    Duplicate IDs.jpg
    536 x 139 - 23K
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    RAMWolff said:

    This is what pops up.



    ... and DS log ~~ A message box is not enough.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,258

    Oh, so sorry

        File: H:/Users/Public/Documents/My Library/data/HiveWire 3D/Dawn 2.0/Base/Morphs/Richard McCormick/Johon-Plus/DD-Johon-Body.dsf
        Owner: Dawn2
        Input URI: Dawn2:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Morphs/Richard%20McCormick/Johon-Plus/DD-Johon-Body.dsf#DD-Johon-Body-

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    RAMWolff said:

    Oh, so sorry

        File: H:/Users/Public/Documents/My Library/data/HiveWire 3D/Dawn 2.0/Base/Morphs/Richard McCormick/Johon-Plus/DD-Johon-Body.dsf
        Owner: Dawn2
        Input URI: Dawn2:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Morphs/Richard%20McCormick/Johon-Plus/DD-Johon-Body.dsf#DD-Johon-Body-

    Only these lines under Duplicate: ? If so, open DD-Johon-Body.dsf with Notepad++, check if there're any duplicate coding blocks of formulas.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,258

    "id" : "DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199",
                "name" : "DD-Johon-Body",
                "parent" : "/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#Dawn2-1",
                "presentation" : {
                    "type" : "Modifier/Shape",
                    "label" : "",
                    "description" : "",
                    "icon_large" : "",
                    "colors" : [ [ 0.3960784, 0.6313725, 0 ], [ 1, 0.5019608, 0 ] ]
                "channel" : {
                    "id" : "value",
                    "type" : "float",
                    "name" : "Value",
                    "label" : "DD-Johon-Body",
                    "auto_follow" : true,
                    "value" : 0,
                    "min" : 0,
                    "max" : 1,
                    "clamped" : true,
                    "display_as_percent" : true,
                    "step_size" : 0.01
                "group" : "/02_Body/01_FullBody",
                "formulas" : [
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?center_point/x",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : -0.004436083 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?center_point/x",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.0001148009 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?center_point/y",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : -0.06073761 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?center_point/y",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.00289917 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?center_point/z",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : -3.248002 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?center_point/z",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.9664991 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/x",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.002514598 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/x",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.0001842726 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/y",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : -0.1298752 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/y",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.04925537 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/z",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : -3.083543 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/z",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.3116791 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,258

    Beyond that point in the .dsf file there are all the body parts and beyond that are all the bits of code that have the changes I made to the base.  No more addresses beyond that. 

  • Note that these are Duplicate Formulas, not Duplicate IDs.

                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/z",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : -3.083543 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }
                        "output" : "hip:/data/HiveWire%203D/Dawn%202.0/Base/Dawn2.dsf#hip?end_point/z",
                        "operations" : [
                            { "op" : "push", "url" : "Dawn2:#DD-Johon-Body-0xa448199?value" },
                            { "op" : "push", "val" : 0.3116791 },
                            { "op" : "mult" }

    is oen of them - probably you ran ERC Freeze twice on the same controller, to tweak valuess, without using ERC Bake first to turn the links back into raw values.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    RAMWolff said:

    Beyond that point in the .dsf file there are all the body parts and beyond that are all the bits of code that have the changes I made to the base.  No more addresses beyond that. 

    So you've done ERC Freeze on them for at least twice ? Check the screenshot below :  Duplicate formulas are clearly shown there (scroll down to find more), which means the same formulas but pushing different values. That's wrong.

    1053 x 1158 - 204K
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Yup ~ as Richard said, if you want to do multiple ERC Freeze to correct somthing, ERC Bake firstly before ERC Freeze... otherwise you'll get this duplicate formulas issue.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,258

    Ah, I didn't know that.  I redid all the morphs and no issues. I'll have to take a note on the ERC bake thing.  Thanks guys! 

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