Question Before buying : Director's Lights and Camera

I have a question before purchasing these assets that look great:
Director's Lights and Camera | Daz 3D

Are the planes ghost lights? If not, is it possible to convert them to ghost light?
I am afraid there will be in the camera view or in a reflection.

In addition, I am looking for a light assets, ready-to-use or plugin.
I have already purchased 'Invisi Light,' which is an excellent asset.
But I am surprised Kindred Art has not released any ghost light assets (with the new system).



  • You mean the guides and amrkers? I don't have the set, but in all probability they have Visible in render set off so you can see them while setting up but they are hidden when you render.

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642

    They are not ghost lights, and I haven't been able to find an option to hide them without hiding the light it casts as well.  It's still an amazing set, but it is difficult to make sure the squares stay out of the camera.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    I've been using them non-stop since release, and I maneuver them just outside of camera view. The guide rods quickly and easily show where each light plane is pointing, and the settings for each plane are straightforward and intuitive. They have solved my lighting issues.

    I've used them with water surfaces, and in the case where the reflection of one of the planes was too prominent, I simply turned it off. The other planes did the job stupendously. You won't be sorry you bought these.

  • Posts: 21
    edited October 2024

    Thank you for your response.

    I did not wait and bought it:p.

    The planes are visible in the render:

    But I was able to convert them to ghost light:

    Convert the figure 'Figure:Dome Lights' into props.

    Select all of these new props.

    Use the 'Create Advanced Iray Node Properties' option on them.

    Then, set all Ghost Light Factors to 100.

    Then, set the Refraction Weight to 1.


    That seems to work! I compared the same g8 to both the base director light and the converted light, and the light is almost the same. It will be identical with some changes to the emission.

    The light are better with the base, but i will try to fix that.

    (I'm banned by cloudflare, i don't know why lol, i can't post picture)

    Edit: The missing glosiness is because the Ghost Light Factor.

    2820 x 1628 - 7M
    520 x 314 - 69K
    1903 x 1476 - 1M
    Post edited by on
  • ElorElor Posts: 2,015

    I don't remember how it is done off the top of my head, but you can look at how @esha is enabling reflexions on Invisilights who are based on 4.22 Ghost Lights.

    Otherwise, yes, Director's Light and Camera is a great tool. My regret is I still don't know how to use it properly when lacking the space to use one of the provided presets but it's a problem between my chair and my keyboard, not a problem of the product.

  • If you want to make the lights invisible to direct view but still show in relfections one option can be the Invisible To Primary Rays option (which is also one of the Advanced iray Node Proeprties, like the Ghost Light factor) Just be aware that the lights will also be visible if seen through another surface, so avoid putting them behind hair or windows.

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