missing files

Neither of the last two updates load my content, I click on a file and I get a message saying 'the file does not exist.'
I used DIM and it loaded everything, but nothing works like I said above.
I did make a post in the forum and got a reply, which was greatly appreciated, however when I tried redownloading everything it loaded another update and now I still can't use Daz for the same reason that I made in the original post in the forum in the first place.
I'm going to post this to the forums as well, so far I have removed and reloaded Daz 4 times , without any change.
I have been with Daz for over 15 years and as a rule I love it, however the last two previous downloads would not load my files any of them, I'm at the point where I am ready to delete all Daz stuff and walk away, I will give this update a try, but this is the last attempt.after the last two updates I have nothing to lose, they refuse to install any of my files, I'm ready to chuck it in.
I just tried the new update, It loads the new stuff, but will not load any of the older gear.
Cheers as always.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,693

    You say 'new stuff' works, but 'older stuff' doesn't.

    What is then the difference on 'new' and 'old'? Is is both installed with DIM?

    And what happens if you in DIM reinstall an 'old' product (that doesn't work)?

    And what is the full error text in the log (Help > Troubleshooting > View Log)?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    First of all, you better dbl-check and make sure that: all the paths of your Daz Libraries are correctly configured in DIM > Advanced Settings as well as Content Directory Manager in DS, and they have to be very same.

    If everything is configured correctly, it'll make no sense if they don't work for you ~

  • Thank you for the fast replies, they are greatly appreciated.

    The only thing I did with my daz install was to allow the update, I have checked all the actual Daz files I can find, but all my saved files are missing and the only way I can load older content is to do so by going into the main drive and finding what I want that way.

    I will try all of you tips and see what happens, Cheers.

  • daisy3Ddaisy3D Posts: 10

    unfortunate experience the same issue

    when I want to add anything to the scene there's 2 pop-ups even tho all files are in place

    1 - save before closing

    2 - file not found

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