Trouble with Reality 4 on daz 4.9

Hey guys , i juzt recently installed 4.9 And i had bought Reality 4.2 the day before So i don't know if the two are connected , but i'm also havng some trouble with some third party caontent as well. Any suggestions?



  • What kind of trouble?

  • Well to make a long story short , when i extract it to my library, It goes there but none of the content is availible. In onhter words when i go into daz and pull it up it's in the content list , but i cant acess any of the functions. Also when i tried to reinstall some 3rd party stuff, i have  kinda the same problem. 



  • Reality is a plug-in, not (at heart) content - though it includes content.

    As for third party content in general, it won't appear in Smart Content or in Categories or products in the Content Library pane - you need to look in DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats, then the folder you installed to under that. It's alsoa  good diea to check which folders you dragged from the zip - it's the Data/Runtime/other fodlrs at that level that you need to merge in the content folder, often zipped content will have additional sub-folders wrapped around those which you don't want.



    Reality is a plug-in, not (at heart) content - though it includes content.

    As for third party content in general, it won't appear in Smart Content or in Categories or products in the Content Library pane - you need to look in DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats, then the folder you installed to under that. It's alsoa  good diea to check which folders you dragged from the zip - it's the Data/Runtime/other fodlrs at that level that you need to merge in the content folder, often zipped content will have additional sub-folders wrapped around those which you don't want.

    I pretty much already know ll that . My question is actually am i putting things in the right folders ,  becuase if it's a plug in ( per se ) I may just be making a rookie mistake by not putting it in the right place. And once it's therewhat do i do to activate it?


  • SyphonapteraSyphonaptera Posts: 190
    edited January 2016


    I ordered the augmented reality light compilation and it was installed into Daz 4.9 through DIM.

    I thought I could load a scene into the daz, deactivate all light sources and then just double click on the augmented reality light .dsa in the content tab of DAz 3d and then open / start up the REALITY RENDER EDITOR and hit 'render' (as prescribed in the product info ). I assumed the reality plugin would render the scene with the selected .dsa light sources but after clicking on the .dsa file a message shows up (see attachment) stating that the 'reality toolkit was not found 'and that the render script will be stopped/closed.
    Now , how can I use these .dsa files with Reality? I also cannot find a way to impost these .dsa files into Reality/Luxrender.
    I have the Reality 4.2 plugin and  Luxus installed  but after buying and installing Luxus ( I thought this would do the trick) the error message contains popping up in Daz. (see attachment)

    Anyone knows how to I get this to work?

    Many thanks in advance

    1280 x 1024 - 413K
    Post edited by Syphonaptera on
  • The "Reality Toolkit" is obsolete in Reality 4. This was used to load IBL environments onto the preview sphere in Studio. From 4 onwards a different method is used. This means that the scripts in older products such Augmented Reality, Skies of Reality/Economy do not work with Reality 4.2.

    You can still use the images in these packages, both on the preview sphere and in Luxrender, but you have to either load them manually, create new loading scripts for use in Studio using the 4.2 examples as a template or create sIBL files which will enable you to load them via the Reality plugin. I describe a method of using sIBL files in this thread:

    I don't see why the Reality lights should not be in Smart Content in 4.9 (assuming they were there in 4.8). I can see mine in the "Unassigned" category in Smart Content/Files.

  • Dearest,

    I ordered the augmented reality light compilation and it was installed into Daz 4.9 through DIM.

    I thought I could load a scene into the daz, deactivate all light sources and then just double click on the augmented reality light .dsa in the content tab of DAz 3d and then open / start up the REALITY RENDER EDITOR and hit 'render' (as prescribed in the product info ). I assumed the reality plugin would render the scene with the selected .dsa light sources but after clicking on the .dsa file a message shows up (see attachment) stating that the 'reality toolkit was not found 'and that the render script will be stopped/closed.
    Now , how can I use these .dsa files with Reality? I also cannot find a way to impost these .dsa files into Reality/Luxrender.
    I have the Reality 4.2 plugin and  Luxus installed  but after buying and installing Luxus ( I thought this would do the trick) the error message contains popping up in Daz. (see attachment)

    Anyone knows how to I get this to work?

    Many thanks in advance

    Don't hijack my threads please. 


  • I figured it out guys, thanks .

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    ( I didn't get mine from the Daz store so I'm not sure if it is handled differently or not. I would assume it can be installed with DIM if you got yours from the Daz store. )

    The Reality plugin comes in a slightly different format than usual. It's called a "Self extracting archive"

    after you download Reality,you double click it to decompress it. That will make a folder with the same name.

    open that folder an inside should be a file called "RealityInstaller.exe" click it to begin the installation.

    There should also be a file called "Installation.pdf" with specfic  instructions if you need them.

  • icecrmn said:

    ( I didn't get mine from the Daz store so I'm not sure if it is handled differently or not. I would assume it can be installed with DIM if you got yours from the Daz store. )

    The Reality plugin comes in a slightly different format than usual. It's called a "Self extracting archive"

    after you download Reality,you double click it to decompress it. That will make a folder with the same name.

    open that folder an inside should be a file called "RealityInstaller.exe" click it to begin the installation.

    There should also be a file called "Installation.pdf" with specfic  instructions if you need them.

    No actually , it wasn't available for download on DIM , but yeah , it was pretty much exactlywaht you said . I didn't realize that's what i had to do till i took a good look at and tried it . Lol. Thank you, though.

  • Dearest,

    I ordered the augmented reality light compilation and it was installed into Daz 4.9 through DIM.

    I thought I could load a scene into the daz, deactivate all light sources and then just double click on the augmented reality light .dsa in the content tab of DAz 3d and then open / start up the REALITY RENDER EDITOR and hit 'render' (as prescribed in the product info ). I assumed the reality plugin would render the scene with the selected .dsa light sources but after clicking on the .dsa file a message shows up (see attachment) stating that the 'reality toolkit was not found 'and that the render script will be stopped/closed.
    Now , how can I use these .dsa files with Reality? I also cannot find a way to impost these .dsa files into Reality/Luxrender.
    I have the Reality 4.2 plugin and  Luxus installed  but after buying and installing Luxus ( I thought this would do the trick) the error message contains popping up in Daz. (see attachment)

    Anyone knows how to I get this to work?

    Many thanks in advance

    Don't hijack my threads please. 


    Sorry , I thought this forum thread was about problems with Reality 4 on daz 4.9....?

  • The "Reality Toolkit" is obsolete in Reality 4. This was used to load IBL environments onto the preview sphere in Studio. From 4 onwards a different method is used. This means that the scripts in older products such Augmented Reality, Skies of Reality/Economy do not work with Reality 4.2.

    You can still use the images in these packages, both on the preview sphere and in Luxrender, but you have to either load them manually, create new loading scripts for use in Studio using the 4.2 examples as a template or create sIBL files which will enable you to load them via the Reality plugin. I describe a method of using sIBL files in this thread:

    I don't see why the Reality lights should not be in Smart Content in 4.9 (assuming they were there in 4.8). I can see mine in the "Unassigned" category in Smart Content/Files.

    Thank you for your answer. It is a shame they sell outdated incompatible products. I'll ask a refund. Thank you Hiro Protagonist so much for the link , awesome






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