Iray slower on Daz 4.23?

I just upgraded to Daz 4.23 and Iray seems a LOT slower than before. Is this just me imaginging things, or some new default settings? Even simple renders with one character take a lot to reach the default maxsamples. The progress bar takes a long time to even show up, I'm used to it just moving along pretty fast.
Card is Nvidia 3080.


  • Do you need to update your GPU driver?

  • Thanks, I should have thought of that. I updated, it didn't really change anything. I probably should look into some benchmarks to see if it's just my brain messing with me.

  • I just found this forum because I'm noticing the same on 4.23, I don't know if it's me, or something changed and now the renders are taking more time. 

  • I have the same issue. Renders that used to take 15-20 minutes per image are now taking overan hour.

  • I began having issues where I couldn't get more than 3 frames before it kicked me to CPU, and then I did a rollback on my Studio Driver, and that made it possible for me to render again... but it still kicks me to CPU after 100 or so frames, and what is worse, is that the frame in question, where I get 1 GPU iteration before it goes to CPU, that frame is broken, and I have to re-render it. The rest of the CPU ones are fine, albeit slowly rendered, but I was used to getting hundreds of GPU frames with only a few CPU ones thrown in here and there, with zero broken frames. I'm not sure if DAZ also did something to break things...

  • Running into the same issue, I've had to cut all my renders down to 150 frames, and even then its still slow. Now I literally have to close and reopen Daz for each picture, because the second time I attempt to render even the same scene, it slows down terribly sad

  • Same here.  A 20 second render now takes at least one minute !!!!! Can you redownload version 4.22?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    No, you can't download older versions.

  • RyderRyder Posts: 21

    Same here. They breaking things instead of fixing i see. Wish i had never updated it.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    Ryder said:

    Same here. They breaking things instead of fixing i see. Wish i had never updated it.

    If you list what is "broken" we may be able to help.

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