Where's Aiko 9?

I see her advertised on a lot of promos but I can't find her. The promo says Premier members can download her in Daz Studio but I don't see her yet.
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I see her advertised on a lot of promos but I can't find her. The promo says Premier members can download her in Daz Studio but I don't see her yet.
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I can't as well. Maybe they didn't roll her out? I got the dark elf of Vicky 9 ok
Given Dark Elf had to be 'manually' added to our accounts, I'm guessing you'll have to wait for whatever script they run to do it's job and add it.
For me it took a day or two for the free for Premier Dark Elf to appear in Daz Premier Smart Content. I didn't see Aiko 9 either so I suspect it may also take a day or two to populate.
Just wondering if we will get a 'normal' Aiko 9 as well. I've been a fan of the Aikos over the years, and am curious if we will get an Iray, non-toon version of Aiko 9 this time around.
Where is "Daz Premier Smart Content"? This rollout has been pretty abysmal, IMHO
Not much point given that Aiko 9 is subscription locked. I haven't seen any details on what happens to subscription content if there's a gap in subscription.
I would probably buy me a copy - toon or normal 9 - just to avoid "DAZ Connect".
Which I WILL avoid, so any exclusive item goint to Premiere just via the DAZ Connect installation is diminishing my enthusiasm for this tier, not enhancing it.
I will probably stay there for the time being, but I am not happy about this push for using this intrusive way of working.
As I said, despite being Premiere I would rather pay for a DIM-Version of Aiko then get it for free with DC.
It seems like none of these are DIM based, not sure about other methods. It goes right in from Daz if you are new to premiere and looking for it as a download. Its something that appears in "smart content". My guess is so that people cannot download a manual installer and skip on membership and retain it.
Cool, likely will take a while to show, thanks for posting others are not seeing it yet :)
Will non-premier members eventually be able to buy Airo-9 toon? Why pass up willing money from your customers?
Because they need something to make the subscription look worthwhile and lock in those who subscribe. Expect more desirable content to end up that way in the weeks to come. If we're lucky, Premier will fail hard and Daz will maybe consider letting the content be purchasable.
I mean, I am currently paying for Premier but even so... really? Putting Aiko, one of the all time classics, behind the sub paywall? What an awful move. I thought the premier stuff was going to be "extra" stuff, like the Vicky Dark Elf Addon.
Richard clarified in another thread:
Aiko 9 is a Premier Exclusive so if the subscription lapses, so does the permission to use Aiko 9, apparently.
So drop the sub for a month, lose the subscription content forever, then.
Just pushed into Connect, but failed to install...
I just logout and log in again and she appear
Continuously install failed...
Well, glad I didn't jump into Genesis 9 when it came out!
After the first install, I had to click on update, and she's here. First install took a while, I don't know why.
Yeah I finally got her installed too. It took a very long time and had to do some updates. Anyone have any thoughts? I'm not too impressed with her.
The free anime characters with any iRay shader pretty much is Aiko 9/Hiro 9. At least that was my first thought. Aiko 9 seems to be just a shape, no texture either. Would love to see a render comparison between regular anime character and Aiko 9.
Yet another really stupid idea, as if anything happens to your subscription for any reason, you instantly lose everything. Why invest in a group of products that could disappear from your runtime if there's a glitch in the payment... which, as we've seen in the forums, happens with annoying regularity. Is each user supposed to maintain a spreadsheet of all the "premier characters" they've received in the hopes that maybe customeer service might be able to restore them if there's a problem? Why is it, that with each new revelation, I become increasingly convinced that the architects of Premier aren't actually regular users of DAZ products or Studio?
It does seem like the brainchild of some suit with an MBA and no interest in the product or how it's used.
Agreed. I am not purchasing anything from DAZ that will disappear from my library when I eventually decide not to/ can't pay for a premeir sub any longer ( no one has the funds to keep subbed). It is insane that anyone would. I am fine with DAZ wanting to have an exclusive teir for users to get exclusive content, but once you purchase it, you should have access to it at all times.
While I fully support the perks and discounts with Premier, I agree that any content you obtain while subbing should remain no matter what. If you paid the sub and got Aiko 9 during that time, she should be yours for good.
No doubt about it, the ability to use a character only while a subscription is active s*cks prodigiously. As much as I'm trying to maintain an open mind about my Premier subscription, that particular aspect of it is a huge negative. Who wants to become invested in a character only to completely lose it when a subscription ends?
Yes, I'd rather have them do a more aggresive discount for the content for Premier as opposed to just giving it away, then taking it away, if we unsub. I hope Daz is watching our responses to these releases and the subscription tier, and adjusts accordingly.
Agreed. I am glad I have embraced AI like i have. I have been more creative the past few months than in a long time because of AI. I thought about trying the premier subscribtion, but losing access to any exclusive content when I cancel just isn't right, so that is not going to happen..
I know they are trying to prevent people from subscribing for one month and harvesting EVERYTHING then canceling. I wonder why they couldn't do an "ownership over time" thing, like subscibe to Premier, get Aiko, and 1 year later of uninterrupted subscription she stays with you forever. I went ahead and drank the Premier Kool-Aid, but the "yours to use ONLY while subscribed" is SUPER CRINGY! I know DAZ can do better.
I think that's the biggest problem of the service-don't have exclusive content that you can only use while subbed. Daz + wasn't like that. I'd be perfectly happy with the extra discounts so I have the peace of mind to knowo I am getting good deals and don't HAVE to stay subbed. I would say give it some time after this rollout and they should release Aiko 9 as a regular release and those who have been subbed for this month get her for free-but keep the base price of her comparable to the sub.
How does this keep getting worse than I first thought?