Can't buy Premier Membership through Paypal

I just keep getting an error. Do I have to buy a Daz+ membership before I can buy a Premier membership?
I've even had an email saying that the membership is in my basket, but it's not.
Post edited by N-RArts on
I don't think so [haven't tried it, I have Daz+] -- from the various membership pages I think you have to first set up paypal as your preferred payment method. Then try buying the membership.
If one has another form of payment set up along with a membership, we have to cancel that membership in order to change the method of payment.
Daz Logic not mine.
No worries. I know Daz logic when I see it.
As far as I can tell, the only preferred payment method that you can save is a card payment.
I now have a "Daz headache" - lol
Likely only CS - Sales support can help with this then.
A number of people seem to be encountering similar issues.
They'll have this all sussed out in a couple of weeks.
they fixed me up with a premier, instead of a dead plus and told me I'd be billed on the 24th of October.. did I miss a day or two.
But I couldn't update the membership yesterday
okay it just let me choose premier and pay with paypal
Still not working here. Not that it matters now, as the vet has laid claim to my moolah. I'll still keep checking it.
Oh dear, I hope your companion is all right.
Me too.
She's okay, Thank you :)
She was sick when my father brought her home - Cat Flu. The vet has been messing me around when it comes to comes to signing her up to a care plan, her spay, vaccinations and a "kitten health check" (I don't think they feel like they've rinsed me for enough money yet, because she's "sick".)
You and everyone else that has a pet. When I spoke of my large vet bill around here, found many were having similar experiences. Sadly some have decided that "next time" - it will be their pet's last time. People can't just keep paying more and more like we're all made of money or gold.