perventing dforce fur/hair poke through

so I'm pretty much clueless on using dforce so I have no idea on how to stop fur and hair from poking through clothing . how would I go about from preventing the fur on this age figure from poking through the clothing or is that even possible?

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Post edited by Fabe on
If parts of the hair arent toggleable separately, I personally would just render it twice. Once with fur once without fur. And then composite them in post (using Photoshop, Photopea, Gimp etc). You dont need to do full render for the fix layer, you can just do spot render for the fix layer.
Alternaitvely, you could try paint a density mask to isolate the hair, but is going to be way more effort than the way i suggested.
If you wanted to simulate hair under clothing, it might be difficult to do. This (unnecessary) route might involve having the clothes fully expanded beyond the hair and then simulate over an animated timeline while reducing the clothing expansion
If you just want to make it in DS with dForce fur on it, two ways sugguested as below:
1) Quickest way: Select Fur, in Parameters pane, enter Arms,Body,Legs into Exclude Parent Groups. Done ! In this way, you even don't have to Simulate. Drag garments if needed. (screenshots 1 ~ 2)
2) With the best fur effect: Use a Timeline (let's say 25 frames) to simulate Fur with 0 Gravity ~
a) With Fur selected, Surfaces pane, select Arms, Body and Legs surfaces, filter Reduce, crank up PS Reduce Length Amount to a proper value (>4). (screenshot 3)
b) Expand the coat / pants larger enough to cover the Body at frame 0, then reduce it to a proper value at frame 20 (in my case, frame 0 : 1500%, frame 20: 200%) (screenshot 4)
c) Simulate with Gravity 0. (screenshot 5).
Done ! (screenshot 6)
If Orangutan has complex pose, some post-fix might be needed but shouldn't be a big deal.
Oh thats cool, i didnt know you could toggle surfaces off like that. Guess it makes sense since that is a feature in the SBH Editor too.
Hah, yes....only this SBH fur on Orangutan could not be modified with SBH Editor anymore. And I ever learnt from OSO that Density maps (a mask) can be also modified to "shorten / shrink" the fur. That could be another alternative way.
there are 2 types of Dforce fur
I suspect one is rigged fibermesh converted to curves and the other is Strandbased hair editor fur converted to curves but not being a PA I can only guess
the long and short of it is,
one type can be hidden using body parts in the scene outliner, the other needs matching UV density maps in surfaces
there is no way other than trial an error to tell which is which
I do know the first type imports into carrara as a rigged mesh but doesn't render as only polylines, the latter doesnt import at all which is what gives me the clue as to how it's made
AFAIK, PAs can make SBH / fur with a Pro version SBH Editor plugin.. then convert curve (facet shape) to a hair figure (grafting figure shape) , as well as apply full version of blended dual loabe hair shader (or omni shader) on them. So the SBH can be fully shaped, morphed, dforce enabled, yada yada ~
they can also create it from imported fibermesh hair or even leaf hair converted to lines like Blender can do
PhilW uses exported Carrara hair, many others use Zbrush Fibermesh, I myself have rigged the latter to animals both Fibermesh and Carrara hair keeps vertex order regardless of length so can import it extremely short to use the transfer utility then load the long length with Morphloader, I am guessing this is what some do but only guessing, without their plugin sadly only my unrigged hairs can be converted to lines and of course not dforceable
Okay I tried method one and enter Arms.Body.Legs into the exclude parent group but only the arm and leg fur was hidden. I'm using the G8 version of the Apes,do I have to something differnt then the G9 that you used in your example?
OK That works,Thanks Crosswind